Starter Studio Strobes: Opinions and Suggestions wanted.

I'm looking at buying some strobes to kick off my home studio finally. Right now I'm looking for something under $200 just to start out.
Some things that I've found and am considering:
Photo Portrait Strobe Flash Studio Light photography
500 ws Pro Studio Monolight Strobe Modeling Light 500w
If I go with the first one its two 160 watt/s strobes with two 20"x28" softbox's and two light stands, comes with cables.
The second is one 300 watt/s strobe with a 32"x32" softbox with a spring action lightstand and cables.
I've also found a 500 watt/s strobe that comes with cables no stands or softbox.
There is a kit on Calumet that was two 200 watt/s strobes with umbrellas, light stands, and cables out of my price range but a kit like that would be good... And also a 1 strobe version of that kit
I dont have exactly $200 atm, but in two weeks I'll have aprox. $300'ish.
Preferably I want a "kit" that comes with stands and a softbox or umbrella. but that is not absolutely needed. I can pick up a decent light stand from my work for about $20 with my discount. and I've found soft box's and umbrella's pretty cheap on ebay, or I could hit up B&H or Calumet.
I know some of you are gonna say, "dont waste your money buying cheap stuff, get some AB800's!" Which eventually I'm going to get strobes similar to or better than those. Right now, they're not in the budget. I want to have something before I start advertising my studio more than word of mouth.
So, if anyone has suggestions for other economy strobes or comments on the ones I have listed, it would be appreciated. I'm planning on buying something within the next week or two.
Some things that I've found and am considering:
Photo Portrait Strobe Flash Studio Light photography
500 ws Pro Studio Monolight Strobe Modeling Light 500w
If I go with the first one its two 160 watt/s strobes with two 20"x28" softbox's and two light stands, comes with cables.
The second is one 300 watt/s strobe with a 32"x32" softbox with a spring action lightstand and cables.
I've also found a 500 watt/s strobe that comes with cables no stands or softbox.
There is a kit on Calumet that was two 200 watt/s strobes with umbrellas, light stands, and cables out of my price range but a kit like that would be good... And also a 1 strobe version of that kit
I dont have exactly $200 atm, but in two weeks I'll have aprox. $300'ish.
Preferably I want a "kit" that comes with stands and a softbox or umbrella. but that is not absolutely needed. I can pick up a decent light stand from my work for about $20 with my discount. and I've found soft box's and umbrella's pretty cheap on ebay, or I could hit up B&H or Calumet.
I know some of you are gonna say, "dont waste your money buying cheap stuff, get some AB800's!" Which eventually I'm going to get strobes similar to or better than those. Right now, they're not in the budget. I want to have something before I start advertising my studio more than word of mouth.
So, if anyone has suggestions for other economy strobes or comments on the ones I have listed, it would be appreciated. I'm planning on buying something within the next week or two.
Or (another alternative) pick up a used 550ex (or even another 580ex if you find a good price on one) and add the $30 Cactus triggers and a couple of discounted stands and umbrellas to make it a full setup?
If you're dead set on studio strobes it won't work for you, but seems to me that on a budget you get more bang per buck with the portable flashes - they're not as sexy or powerful as studio lights, but would probably be easier to use on location (ie weddings!) since they're battery powered and if you don't need the power they might offer more flexibility until you have funds to expand further.
Just musings. I'm certainly no expert and look forward to what the resident pundits have to say, but as I start to research this myself I've been considering the options, and this one does look attractive for the flexibility it would offer.....
The battery powered aspect makes flash's really nice and convenient. I'm not ruling them out, I'm just looking for studio strobes at the moment.
Extension cords help with the remote problem until I can afford those nice Battery packs that pro's use.
also wireless setup would be nice. I'm gonna check out the strobist blog again, but if someone wants to speed up the process and give me links that would be appreciated, cause I dont have the blog memorized.
Look into the Sigma line of strobes......I know Ziggy53 uses them and talks highly of them as an alternative to camera brand strobes.
Something like this... Strobist Starving Student SW2 lighting kit (no flash)
heading over to Menards to check out some white tile board or whatever they call that... for the floor. I think that might look a little better than carpet dont cha think?
I have to do a little more research and save my pennies.
If anyone can offer some suggestions that would be great.
Depends on what you want to shoot. It you're always going to be near an outlet, need power, and fast recycle, the monolights are the way to go.
With lights the situation is different and more akin to the used car market. No one cares you paid $30,000 for your car 3 years ago, you'll be lucky if you can get $10K for it.
And just like with dlsr and the glass, when you buy into a brand of lights your real cost is accessories. Bare lights are seldom used. And you will need various modifiers eventually, cause you will learn quickly that one-two umbrellas simply won't cut it.
On top of that I wouldn't get a primary light with less than 600W power. 500W could be OK, but really pushing it.
Perfect timing too, I'm having a couple buddies that are photographers over tonight for a "The Office" party. So we'll prolly do some stuff in my studio now.