New Pocket Wizard products announced... Hello 1/8000 sync

I'm glad I waited on buying the additional PW that I needed..:barb
....Use the MiniTT1 for standard triggering with any PocketWizard Receiver including the FlexTT5, PlusII or MultiMAX. When used this way with a digital camera, you can take advantage of PocketWizard’s HyperSync Technology that allows up to 1/500th of a second camera sync with many camera/strobe set-ups. HyperSync allows you to advance the timing of your flash trigger so that faster then X-sync speeds can be achieved.
Need more speed? Push your ControlTL system beyond 1/500th and go into FP/High-Speed sync mode automatically. No buttons to press or settings to change other then your shutter speed will give you flash sync all the way to 1/8000th.....
I'm glad I waited on buying the additional PW that I needed..:barb
Canon 50D | EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS | 70-200 f/2.8L IS
2x White Lightning x1600 | 580 EXII
Sekonic L-358 | 2x Pocket Wizard II | TC-80N3 Remote Shutter
2x White Lightning x1600 | 580 EXII
Sekonic L-358 | 2x Pocket Wizard II | TC-80N3 Remote Shutter
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