How to set defaults?
Is it possible to setup defaults such as pricing, color specs, sharping and so forth that apply to everything I upload? I use Aperture to upload my images and while I can setup new categories and such it doesn't really allow me to setup much else. I don't like for smugmug to sharpen my images as I've already processed them all, I don't like having to go setup prices for every single gallery individually and I'd like to have prints printed with my own colors and not be modified.
Hopefully someone can tell me how to do this.
Hopefully someone can tell me how to do this.
There is no way to set gallery level defaults other than pricing that I am aware of. It has frequently been requested (I particular want it for the square or rectangular settings for thumbs, but we haven't seen any receptivity or action from Smugmug on it. For some settings, you can make a settings template and use that when creating the gallery, but it is not very common for third party uploaders to support that - I don't know about the Aperture plug-in.
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Sounds good, how do I set portfolio pricing? I don't see anything in the control panel for it. I'm still looking and will post back if I find it.
glenn hancock
Yeah, the Smugmug UI likes to hide the Portfolio pricing. I've posted on how it should be accessible from the control panel (where most people looking for a global setting like that would probably look first), but haven't gotten any response.
Anyway, open up a gallery, go to Set Pricing, then click on portfolio pricing at the top of that screen.
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The usage of the control is pretty strange too because it seems to want you to save the entire setting to save the newly added item, but still doesn't save it.
I've been using smugmug for years now and love it in most ways, however, as a professional account subscriber, there are many things I absolutely hate about it. I spend too much time trying to setup each gallery and its a pain. I'd have thought by now they'd have something that worked for me.
Guess after 4 years I'm still having to do most things manually... :-(
glenn hancock
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That's not true
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Cabbey made one minor comment about a point which he mostly misunderstood. BigWebGuy was only responding to something that Cabbey had wrong. There was ZERO developer interaction on any of the significant points. If this is the level of interaction I should expect on a serious usability assessment posting, then I will assume that your developers are just too busy to discuss feedback and stop spending my time writing stuff like this. It seriously feels like it just goes into the ozone.
Maybe it does and maybe it doesn't - I have absoutely no way of knowing. The ONLY way I would know was if someone who is actually responsible for this functionality participates in the discussion. That used to be what was unique about contributing feedback to Smugmug. It is rare now.
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