Getting back to my gallery
I watched a customer the other day order prints online and have a couple questions.
1) I noticed that when they place an order, there are + and - buttons that show on the page beside the qty field. They are not links and don't really look like buttons at all. I watched the person click in the field which said 0 and type 1 to order 1 print and then move on, except I caught that it had actually left the zero there and they had a value of 10 instead of 1. I really think some more thought needs to be paid to this process as its not exactly safe. NOTE: This was in IE 7. I notice currently that mozilla is ok for entering and typing. I still think the + - buttons should be outside the field and should be buttons to make it more obvious you can click them.
2) I noticed that if the person viewed their cart, there was a link on each photo that said see photo in gallery. When clicking this link it took them to a page not found. Is this something I need to fix in my site or a bug somewhere else?
1) I noticed that when they place an order, there are + and - buttons that show on the page beside the qty field. They are not links and don't really look like buttons at all. I watched the person click in the field which said 0 and type 1 to order 1 print and then move on, except I caught that it had actually left the zero there and they had a value of 10 instead of 1. I really think some more thought needs to be paid to this process as its not exactly safe. NOTE: This was in IE 7. I notice currently that mozilla is ok for entering and typing. I still think the + - buttons should be outside the field and should be buttons to make it more obvious you can click them.
2) I noticed that if the person viewed their cart, there was a link on each photo that said see photo in gallery. When clicking this link it took them to a page not found. Is this something I need to fix in my site or a bug somewhere else?