2/16 Bulldog shots

Here, Minnie is guarding her toys. She will most definitely wake up if Jack tries to take one!

I captured another "Minnie Tongue Shot" and had to show it off!

I know I probably should have "erased" the twig that appears to be interfering with Jack's body, but I got lazy. :dunno

I chuckle to myself when I look at these shots,
they look like statues, they're just gorgeous
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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I really like #1, would love to see it in full color.
I like #4 as well, I think it could use a little more contrast or maybe some curves adjustment, just to make it pop a little more. And I'm sure the color version is nice too!
#5 is just adorable.
#6 Is really nice too, great pose. The stick dosnt bother me too much.
Your lucky! I would love to have a beautiful English bulldog like yours! Great Captures!! Wanna see more!!!!!
Thanks for the comments everyone. DeuceFour, here is photo #1 in full color. I used the selective coloring because I felt like the branches created more distraction in color. Also, I think the selective coloring helps make the dog pop out from the entire image. I think I still prefer the use of selective coloring here. What is your opinion after seeing it both ways? Thanks in advance.
Here is the color version of #4. What do you mean when you say it could use "curve adjustment"?:
When you say you like #5, do you mean the curled tongue pic or the one where she is lying on her toys? I will try to number them from now on.
Nikon D90 ~ 18-105mm vr ~ 70-300mm vr ~
50mm f/1.8 ~ SB600
A curves adjustment, is an adjustment you can do in most editing software ie. Photoshop. The one in color looks fine to me, but when it was B&W I thought it just needed a smudge more contrast is all.
I meant the photo of him laying on his toys!!!!