display monitors at events?

I've seen this mentioned elsewhere but not details on the set up.
first, background
-- my shows have been one-day affairs, so any displays have been on boards or binders to flip through.
However, I have two 2-day USDF dressage shows this year and I rather suspect I'll get some serious sale increases if I can display photos from Day 1 on a monitor for Day 2 (I've a tent so glare/shade is not an issue). I have a spare monitor, two different PC laptops as well as an older mac mini I could use for this. And yes, I'm willing to sacrifice the sleep to get 50 or so photos ready for display on day 2. Heck, day 1 could just show photos from other previous shows if I'm going to bother to put this set up together.
The question is, what sort of software/set up DO you use for something like this? Power source is a given need but I'll be shooting at this facility all year and will be quite familiar with the staff as well as the set up available to me. I've my own very sturdy table, etc, so it's not about to be blown away (or rained on).
** Are there good 'slideshow' programs for the PC or mac? I think the mac has one built in but I admit I haven't ever looked into it. It'd be a good use for the old mini, especially as I've a remote for it.
first, background

However, I have two 2-day USDF dressage shows this year and I rather suspect I'll get some serious sale increases if I can display photos from Day 1 on a monitor for Day 2 (I've a tent so glare/shade is not an issue). I have a spare monitor, two different PC laptops as well as an older mac mini I could use for this. And yes, I'm willing to sacrifice the sleep to get 50 or so photos ready for display on day 2. Heck, day 1 could just show photos from other previous shows if I'm going to bother to put this set up together.
The question is, what sort of software/set up DO you use for something like this? Power source is a given need but I'll be shooting at this facility all year and will be quite familiar with the staff as well as the set up available to me. I've my own very sturdy table, etc, so it's not about to be blown away (or rained on).
** Are there good 'slideshow' programs for the PC or mac? I think the mac has one built in but I admit I haven't ever looked into it. It'd be a good use for the old mini, especially as I've a remote for it.
So, here's a thought, can you get internet access? If so use your SmugMug site.
I *can* but I have a usage limit on my internet fob (I've no idea what to call it, but it uses the G3 network to give me net access to my laptop anywhere there's coverage) that I'd prefer to not go over. there IS wireless access there, but its' weak. I don't really want them to scroll through/explore but rather a slideshow of images that go by, much like a customized screen saver.
and correct, no printing on site, although I WILL take orders on site. Good point! I *can* use the net access to take orders through one of the other laptops as needed (except I'll be busy shooting most of the time ... geh, need 2 of me!)
If not maybe a friend will let you borrow........I have used PowerPoint for years for "subtitles" to operas and also for scene or decor changes on stage also.........
I have also sued adobe acrobat but that was a pain.....besure to leave instructions on how to stop the show and how to re-start it again......that way if people want to take moretime scrutinizing the photos they can.....
Also very important here.....if you have time get a new (or used) clean HDD with only the OS, Slideshow Program and the Slideshow on it.....so inquisitive minds have nothing to look thru or screw up..........
if it were me i would have the SS on disk............
Well, I'll have my old mac mini so I can wipe it for everything/anything EXCEPT creating a slide show
If you have iWork on the mini Apple's Keynote app is pretty slick.
Very similar to Powerpoint, worth a look if you dont have either.
Im sure there are a couple freebies out there too.
Try doing a search in your OS for some on www.versiontracker.com
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Slideshows are built into almost everything now. If you have Adobe Bridge (comes with Photoshop), you have a slide show. iPhoto has a slide show, but I would recommend, if this is for short-term use, go into iPhoto preferences, click Advanced, and turn off "Copy Items to iPhoto Library" so that each photo doesn't use up twice the disk space. Also pre-set your slide show defaults, otherwise it will always play music and always do the Ken Burns pan effect.
Finally, if your Mac mini is running Leopard, you can do a slide show using no extra software. Open a folder, select all, press the spacebar to activate QuickLook, click the Full Screen icon, and stand back; it starts cycling automatically. The main disadvantage of the OS slide show is that you can't control slide timing or transitions (as far as I know), but if you don't mind a 3-second duration with no transition, it's by far the fastest way to do an OS X slideshow.
I wouldn't recommend PowerPoint or Keynote because they would require additional setup time putting one photo per slide and all that. Better to use a photo program like iPhoto, Bridge, Lightroom, Aperture, iView/Expression Media, etc. which can start a slide show as soon as the last photo is loaded.
The slideshow would be especially nice for your application, as you could simply run Lightroom from the Mac mini and run the show, or you can also export the show and run it anywhere
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Ah, I'm not quite that advanced, but it's also a time element. I spend 90% of the day shooting! if it were a multiday event or the type of thing where there's lots of breaks between classes .... then I'd have time to print and let folks preview photos taken that day. In this case day 1 will show photos from previous shows. if there's a day 2, it shows photos from day 1 to gather interest. If only I can get coupons going to get folks to pre-pay for stalking (that is, if 2 classes at once, I'll follow THEM and make sure to get a solid quantity of photos to pick from) and then they can use the coupon for prints.
Ah well, I've got ideas, now to just get SM to help implimnt them. :ivar