playing with LR
I've been learning more about Lightroom this week! Finally! I've had it for a year and I'm just now getting into it. Yeah...I'm a slow mover. I grabbed this shot of my son trying out a straw in his new double wide space in his mouth (lost the top two teeth) and did this conversion in LR. I don't think I can replicate it, but I liked it! So...just for fun...
I love your conversion and the dof is so creamy and wonderful (as always).
Say, I read that you were doing LR tutes from another site... care to share a link?
Thanks, Heather! Yes, they would make quite the toothless pair, wouldn't they?
I got a month free at with the purchase of CS3 last fall, so I started there and worked through 7 hours of stuff so far. I also watched the free ones by Michael Tapes. Did you get LR running better on your machine?
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
If you ever do anything in LR that you want to "re-create"...there are a couple things you can do.
If working on a set of photos, you can simply select the shot you want to replicate settings from....then select the one you would like to use the replicated settings on.....and choose "settings" and then "paste settings from previous".
A better choice...especially for a conversion like this that you like would be...
select the photo you have already converted....then choose "develop" and "new preset" can select(check...uncheck) which settings you want to save....and then give it a name and it will be there in your presets list from then on.
What I would like to do is be able to share a as in email one of my presets to you...or someone else....but I have been unable to figure out exactly how to do this.
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I use CS3/ACR rather than LightRoom, but I'm guessing the same thing applies, though perhaps the directory is different. In Windows, look in this directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Adobe\CameraRaw\Settings
You will see .XMP files for each named preset you have created. As these are simply text files, you ought to be able to email them easily.
Thanks, Jeff. I was able to apply the settings to another photo by way of Sync Settings. And I had tried to make a new preset, but when the box popped up with all the different check boxes, I just wasn't quite sure what to include. I arrived at this one by way of using some other presets first, then adjusting the split toning. But I'll try making my own sometime soon.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography