DSSMC3 Color or B/W?
This new(ish) method of posting our entries directly to a smugmug challenge gallery is very cool...but, I have to admit that the one thing I really miss about posting to a dgrin entry thread is losing the ability to change my entry a dozen times on each of my changing whims without having to involve the mods.
I'd really appreciate your input on which version of "Nocturne" you guys prefer... Original or Black & white? -Thanks!

I'd really appreciate your input on which version of "Nocturne" you guys prefer... Original or Black & white? -Thanks!


"If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event...what kind of film would you use?" - Anonymous
pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Great photo. (As usual.)
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Jeff Meyers
Also have to agree that while the galleries are AWESOME, I wish I could silently change my entry as we could in the threads instead of having to draw attention to my ineptitudes with visible updates in the gallery (My solution: submit at the last minute instead
You can still change your entry a dozen times! If it intimidates you to post in the entry thread or PM me or Em, I did point out that by default, I will delete all but the most recent upload from a given entrant (unless messaged or captioned otherwise) at the close of the challenge.
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The color shot puts emphasis on the reflections and the sky whereas the B&W image puts more emphasis on the shapes.
I say, go with your gut on this one, Paul. Either way, it's a great shot.
Thanks Doc! You and Emily are great and I know that you probably wouldn't mind deleting scores of my images from the entry gallery. It's my own personal issue...I just don't want to embarass myself by posting more than one at a time and I don't want to add to your and Emily's work load by posting each iteration or new image willy-nilly.
Luckily, fellow dgrinners are always willing to offer opinions and constructive help when asked - so with their help I'll try to keep my uploads to the entry gallery to a minimum.
Thanks again!
pyry & pyro...I looked at it a again on a different monitor and I can see what you mean. I think I'll try some subtle changes to the bridge color when I get home tonight.
Linda...That's exactly what my son said when he saw the two versions!
Thanks Dan! I like both for different reasons (see above). My original vision for this was color...but I happened to hover my cursor over one of my b/w presets in LR and kind of liked the preview - that's when the second guessing started.
Anyway, Thanks again for all of your help!
personally I am leaning towards the B&W but a mix between the two is a compelling idea.
I love it, btw. Nice job.