100% crop, explain, please
It was explained, and I still don't understand what it means. Please, PF, someone, can you please explain in non technical, but thorough language, what a 100% crop is.
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Now I can see there are different ways to interpret 100% crop. I guess you have to consider the context perhaps? I think the answer I gave is a repeat of an answer Shay made on another thread in dgrin.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
a crop: part of the picture
100%: full sized, as recorded
100% crop: a part of the original picture that is shown at 100%
here's a resized picture:
and attached is a 100% crop of the top of Sids shirt
Michiel de Brieder
ginger, and anyone
here's how i make a 100% crop in photoshop
select the "rectangular marquee" tool
go to the toolbar for this tool (up near the top)
select "fixed size" from the dropdown box
enter the dimensions in pixels you want for this crop (e.g. 500px by 500 px)
now click on your image, a dotted box appears exactly that size
you can move the box around with your mouse, click and hold, drag
when you have it where you want it, do ctrl-c (copy) or edit>copy
now do file>new and click OK on the next dialog box
voila, you have your 100% crop. now save this file using "save as"
easy as pie!
mmmmmm pie.............. :food
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There is no resizing done on a 100% crop. You are seeing the image at 100%, one pixel of the image occupies one pixel of the screen. And to keep things from being to large and having to scroll from here to eternity, one crops the image so only a portion of the image is displayed. Thus a 100% crop is made.
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"Then" measures a unit of time.
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Refer anyone to this explanation and example if they ever have questions again.
Thanks, Michiel, especially.