Firefox cookie Problem

I have deleted all smumgmug cookies in firefox and now I can't log anymore to continue to customize my smug pages.
However I'm still able to enter my log and pass at sumgmug front page but when I go to my own page I can't see the tool bars because i'm logged out ???
Note it keeps working in Safari but I' d like to continue with fire fox...
Thanx for your precious help.
I have deleted all smumgmug cookies in firefox and now I can't log anymore to continue to customize my smug pages.
However I'm still able to enter my log and pass at sumgmug front page but when I go to my own page I can't see the tool bars because i'm logged out ???
Note it keeps working in Safari but I' d like to continue with fire fox...
Thanx for your precious help.
Could you check the settings in Firfox to see if it's set to 'accept cookies from site'.
Here is the help link with the instructions: Click on the 'Firefox' link under 'Are you blocking cookies?'
If this doesn't help, yell
I think i'm gonna yell the firefox pref looks good.
To tell you what happend, I was working the CSS, I Had trouble with my Bio page, wanted to make disapear the Galerie nav text , tried and it didn't work!!!!
But several other things worked perfectly as you can see if you check my page...
So I thought it was a cookie prob, deleted all of them, then the tool bar wanished and I was logged out...
If you have any idea, I'll take them all, in the meantime i'll continue with safari
Thanx for your answer.
Bloody me!!!! All smug cookies where in the excpetion list, I wonder why???? The problem has been fixed!
I'am a Yellin' Froggy now! :oogle
Thanx again.