download fails every time
the two-minutes-of-inactivity aside, the app just doesn't work for me. it starts fine (after the two minutes of doing nothing), but always stops at a random point in the middle of a file - different every time. last time it was
File 18 of 530
downloading (16 %)
i started the download last night before i went to bed and this is where it was stuck this morning.
i'm choosing "Original URL" from the "Image Size" popup - is that what i want? i want to download the original, full-size images, but i don't know what the term "URL" is doing in that selection and it makes me wonder if that's what i want. i don't know what else i'd choose to get the full-sized images though.
is there another utility that will do what this one is supposed to do but doesn't?
I wrote a tiny Adobe AIR application that pulls images/videos from people's galleries. The application (and download instructions) can be found here . It's very early - does the basic stuff. It would be great if I could get your feedback / request features.
Installation Instructions
1. Download and install Adobe AIR installer from here: (if you don't have it installed already)
1. Go to this page:
2. Click on the Install Now button
3. Click "Open" in the dialog. (This should install RapidFetcher in your Applications Directory)
UPDATE [Version 0.20] (Feb 19, 2009)
1. Now allows Original downloads.
2. Logout button added.
3. Added Progress bar on downloads.
You can log in as the other member (as guest), and enter the access password to see their albums, but you cannot see their photos and yours at the same time.
"wrong username or password"
i don't have current credit card info listed with smugmug because i'm thinking about letting my subscription lapse - which is why i'm so concerned with using rapidfetcher in the first place. at present, smugmug has tried to bill my account and failed, but my account is still open and fully accessible and i can log into it just fine through the why does rapidfetcher tell me i've entered a wrong username or password when i try to log in through it?
don't know why i haven't long given up on rapidfetcher...i guess it's just such a great *idea* that i'm hoping it will actually work one day...
Seems like a decent app but how come it doesn't create a separate folder for each album it's downloading? I can't see much use in downloading multiple albums to one folder.
I've downloaded and installed the app. I can log in to my Smug a/c and I can see my album list, but when I try to download any nothing happens. I've tried different albums and different sizes and left it for like an hour, but the folder I selected is still empty.
Can anyone shed anyone light on this problem?
I don't know if this is a new thread or not but I can't figure out how to contact someone for help on RapidFetcher on my iMac. I downloaded the application and entered all the information called for to download my albums to my computer. I clicked Download and was asked to choose a location. I did this and nothing happened, no feedback, zilch. I hit Download again and seemed to be in an infinite loop. I'm hoping to contact the person in charge of this application for help.
Sorry for all the whining. I noticed from previous messages that one should wait a few minutes before giving up. I did that and then noticed that the files were indeed coming down! Thanks so much for this wonderful application.
Using Rapidfetcher as SmugMug guest
Hi there, and thank you so much for a fabulous program!
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get images from a gallery using the "guest" option. I have a password to that gallery, but not for the account. Can I use Rapidfetcher that way, or not?
It's been a while since I wrote this. I'll look into it over Christmas - Unfortunately, I won't have time until then. But I think it should support passwords to the gallery.
Hi there, and thank you so much for a fabulous program!
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get images from a gallery using the "guest" option. I have a password to that gallery, but not for the account. Can I use Rapidfetcher that way, or not?
keyword download
Not sure if this has been suggested, but I think this would be really useful...
Is there a way to download a group of photos under a specific keyword label? For example, I would like to download every photo I have tagged as "fav".
Honestly, SmugMug should build these very basic and essential tools into their site. It seems ridiculous that we cannot batch download our own photos from our gallery?! At least, make it for the Pro users if bandwidth is a concern.
Hi there, and thank you so much for a fabulous program!
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get images from a gallery using the "guest" option. I have a password to that gallery, but not for the account. Can I use Rapidfetcher that way, or not?
Thanks a lot,
This is included in the latest version (V 0.26) You may have to delete the previous version in order for this version to install.
Seems like a decent app but how come it doesn't create a separate folder for each album it's downloading? I can't see much use in downloading multiple albums to one folder.
This is included in the latest version (V 0.26). You may have to delete the previous version in order for this version to install.
the two-minutes-of-inactivity aside, the app just doesn't work for me. it starts fine (after the two minutes of doing nothing), but always stops at a random point in the middle of a file - different every time. last time it was
File 18 of 530
downloading (16 %)
i started the download last night before i went to bed and this is where it was stuck this morning.
i'm choosing "Original URL" from the "Image Size" popup - is that what i want? i want to download the original, full-size images, but i don't know what the term "URL" is doing in that selection and it makes me wonder if that's what i want. i don't know what else i'd choose to get the full-sized images though.
is there another utility that will do what this one is supposed to do but doesn't?
The latest version (V 0.26) should fix this issue (I've instrumented retries in case of a failure). Sometimes this is a problem arising from network connectivity. If you retry after a couple of hours, the problem may go away.
Getting RapidFetcher To Work For The First Time I followed the instructions to downlaod AIR and RapidFetcher so that I can donwload 10 albums from a friend who has a SmugMug account and gave me access to do the downloads. I have been able to get a download using RapidFetcher so it appears to be working but I got jpg images that are the first frame of the videos shown on the web page but the files I am downloading are videos. I used the following settings in RapidFetcher: Image Size: Original URL and later tried XXX Large Video Size: 1280 (used for both Original URL and XXX Large in Image Size) To recap... · This site SmugMug site I am attempting to download has a mix of images and videos · There 410 videos and 173 pictures which I have estimated to be about 500 MB · The site does not belong to me · I have received permission from the owner of the site to download the pics · I do not have a SmugMug account So, what settings do I use in RapidFetcher to download all of the videos and pictures in their original format? Thanks!!
Pretty cool implementation, keyword selection coming soon?
I hope to direct friends and models to use your app (as it works for mac and windows) and be able to target for bulk downloading just a portion of a gallery by the keyword chosen.
I can't get the program to work for password protected albums. I'm logging in as a guest and have the correct password (i'm the owner of the albums but i'm trying to get this program to work for family members to use). I'm entering the smugmug ID & the password in the Album password slots and i'm getting "RapidFetcher eceived the following error from Smugmug: 4:invalid user (invalid Password parameter)" Can you help me??
Also, I noticed that it doesn't list unlisted that right?
My hunch is that the videos are not 1280, but were probably uploaded at a lower resolution. Have you tried "No Images" and "320" for the video, for instance? If that works, you may want to try larger video resolution. Let me know if this still does not work for you.
I followed the instructions to downlaod AIR and RapidFetcher so that I can donwload 10 albums from a friend who has a SmugMug account and gave me access to do the downloads. I have been able to get a download using RapidFetcher so it appears to be working but I got jpg images that are the first frame of the videos shown on the web page but the files I am downloading are videos. I used the following settings in RapidFetcher:
Image Size: Original URL and later tried XXX Large Video Size: 1280 (used for both Original URL and XXX Large in Image Size)
To recap...
· This site SmugMug site I am attempting to download has a mix of images and videos · There 410 videos and 173 pictures which I have estimated to be about 500 MB · The site does not belong to me · I have received permission from the owner of the site to download the pics · I do not have a SmugMug account
So, what settings do I use in RapidFetcher to download all of the videos and pictures in their original format?
I can't get the program to work for password protected albums. I'm logging in as a guest and have the correct password (i'm the owner of the albums but i'm trying to get this program to work for family members to use). I'm entering the smugmug ID & the password in the Album password slots and i'm getting "RapidFetcher eceived the following error from Smugmug: 4:invalid user (invalid Password parameter)" Can you help me??
Also, I noticed that it doesn't list unlisted that right?
Thanks! I'd love for this program to work!
Not sure why this is happening. Are you sure that you are using the album password and not your account password? If not, let me know.
Thanks. The installation & download worked seamlessly for me. I've been looking for the ability to do this.
BTW, it looks like it'll download pictures from my collections of my own pictures. That's a nice feature 'cause it means I can regroup my pictures, and then download them.
the two-minutes-of-inactivity aside, the app just doesn't work for me. it starts fine (after the two minutes of doing nothing), but always stops at a random point in the middle of a file - different every time. last time it was
File 18 of 530
downloading (16 %)
i started the download last night before i went to bed and this is where it was stuck this morning.
i'm choosing "Original URL" from the "Image Size" popup - is that what i want? i want to download the original, full-size images, but i don't know what the term "URL" is doing in that selection and it makes me wonder if that's what i want. i don't know what else i'd choose to get the full-sized images though.
is there another utility that will do what this one is supposed to do but doesn't?
Hey guys,
Looks like this problem is becoming very frequent. I'll look into it this weekend, and hopefully upload a fix.
When I fire up your app, I only see my own albums.
I would like to download pictures from the fellow members of my Smugmug Community (and we have given each other access).
Is that possible?
Thank you very much.
i don't have current credit card info listed with smugmug because i'm thinking about letting my subscription lapse - which is why i'm so concerned with using rapidfetcher in the first place. at present, smugmug has tried to bill my account and failed, but my account is still open and fully accessible and i can log into it just fine through the why does rapidfetcher tell me i've entered a wrong username or password when i try to log in through it?
don't know why i haven't long given up on rapidfetcher...i guess it's just such a great *idea* that i'm hoping it will actually work one day...
Can anyone shed anyone light on this problem?
Thank you so much for this app! I feel like I have struck GOLD! Hours of work saved!!!!!!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!:D
I don't know if this is a new thread or not but I can't figure out how to contact someone for help on RapidFetcher on my iMac. I downloaded the application and entered all the information called for to download my albums to my computer. I clicked Download and was asked to choose a location. I did this and nothing happened, no feedback, zilch. I hit Download again and seemed to be in an infinite loop. I'm hoping to contact the person in charge of this application for help.
What can I do to get this application to work?
Sorry for all the whining. I noticed from previous messages that one should wait a few minutes before giving up. I did that and then noticed that the files were indeed coming down! Thanks so much for this wonderful application.
Hi there, and thank you so much for a fabulous program!
Unfortunately, I can't seem to get images from a gallery using the "guest" option. I have a password to that gallery, but not for the account. Can I use Rapidfetcher that way, or not?
Thanks a lot,
Not sure if this has been suggested, but I think this would be really useful...
Is there a way to download a group of photos under a specific keyword label? For example, I would like to download every photo I have tagged as "fav".
Honestly, SmugMug should build these very basic and essential tools into their site. It seems ridiculous that we cannot batch download our own photos from our gallery?! At least, make it for the Pro users if bandwidth is a concern.
This is included in the latest version (V 0.26)
This is included in the latest version (V 0.26)
This is included in the latest version (V 0.26). You may have to delete the previous version in order for this version to install.
Checkout the latest version (V 0.26)! Even more goodies
The latest version (V 0.26) should fix this, and is overall more stable.
The latest version (V 0.26) should fix this issue (I've instrumented retries in case of a failure). Sometimes this is a problem arising from network connectivity. If you retry after a couple of hours, the problem may go away.
I followed the instructions to downlaod AIR and RapidFetcher so that I can donwload 10 albums from a friend who has a SmugMug account and gave me access to do the downloads. I have been able to get a download using RapidFetcher so it appears to be working but I got jpg images that are the first frame of the videos shown on the web page but the files I am downloading are videos. I used the following settings in RapidFetcher:
Image Size: Original URL and later tried XXX Large
Video Size: 1280 (used for both Original URL and XXX Large in Image Size)
To recap...
· This site SmugMug site I am attempting to download has a mix of images and videos
· There 410 videos and 173 pictures which I have estimated to be about 500 MB
· The site does not belong to me
· I have received permission from the owner of the site to download the pics
· I do not have a SmugMug account
So, what settings do I use in RapidFetcher to download all of the videos and pictures in their original format?
I hope to direct friends and models to use your app (as it works for mac and windows) and be able to target for bulk downloading just a portion of a gallery by the keyword chosen.
Also, I noticed that it doesn't list unlisted that right?
Thanks! I'd love for this program to work!
Not sure why this is happening. Are you sure that you are using the album password and not your account password? If not, let me know.
This is a restriction of the API from Smugmug. For you to get the original filename, you have to be logged in as the owner, and not as the guest.
i'm sure i was using the correct pw but i just tried it again and it's working now so not sure what the problem was before.
thanks! seems like a great program
BTW, it looks like it'll download pictures from my collections of my own pictures. That's a nice feature 'cause it means I can regroup my pictures, and then download them.