Yes working on both urls....
Smug url: if I clear cookies.. comes up with normal "gallery requires a
password" -- enter pw and slide show starts..
CNAME URL: comes up with normal "gallery requires a
password" -- enter pw and then overlay appears over slideshow splash
and requires two clicks and then you can enter pw again and all starts.
Thought I had found problem and could be fixed thru Go DAddy or smug
pros etc...
Smug url: if I clear cookies.. comes up with normal "gallery requires a
password" -- enter pw and slide show starts..
CNAME URL: comes up with normal "gallery requires a
password" -- enter pw and then overlay appears over slideshow splash
and requires two clicks and then you can enter pw again and all starts.
Thought I had found problem and could be fixed thru Go DAddy or smug
pros etc...
Again I can live with as is....