Canon 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6

Hi I have found a Canon 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 lense used for $1000, before this i have been concidering the Canon/Sigma 70-200 f/2.8 (which sell for aprox. $1500). Does anyone know the build quaility and best uses of these lenses in comparasin?
I will be using the lense for mainly indoor sports (figure skating, soccer, badminton). I have a croped sensor and I am also wondering how much coverage I will be able to get with the 70-200mm if the skater is on the oppoite side of the ice when I am shooting Figure skating.
I will be using the lense for mainly indoor sports (figure skating, soccer, badminton). I have a croped sensor and I am also wondering how much coverage I will be able to get with the 70-200mm if the skater is on the oppoite side of the ice when I am shooting Figure skating.
The first (Canon) is a convenience zoom with a wide range but limited aperture speed. The Sigma is a very fast constant aperture with reasonably good image quality wide open but which sharpens nicely at moderate apertures.
The Canon 28-300mm would be very nice for photojournalism where the image wouldn't necessarily need ultimate image quality and the Sigma 70-200mm will work better in lower light levels and by 200mm it has 4 times the light gathering efficiency.
It all depends on your needs and how you would use the lens as to which is appropriate for you and some folks have both lenses for multiple needs.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
The big question is, what camera are you putting it on?
If it's a newer crop camera, 40D, 50D, the ability to up the ISO's "may" help it work indoors.
But an f2.8 would be better for indoor sports.
I've heard for quite some time the 28-300is is a compromise.
Here are a few shots that I have taken with mine.
I think it works pretty well.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I will be saving up for the 70-200 f2.8L becuase it will suit me better for indoors.
Thanks for the feedback
Great shots, Dave. You certainly laid that old wives tale to rest.
Link to my Smugmug site
Thanks Joel, lets hope so.
Basking in the shadows of yesterday's triumphs'.
I ran around with the 24-105L IS on the 1D MkIII this weekend, and I'm getting the impression that the 28-300 is a better lens for the 1D.
Some pictures with the 28-300 on the EOS 300D, 5D and 1D MkIII can be found here: &
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