Found: Looking for a starter 35mm SLR camera

I know... I'm doing this all backwards. You're supposed to start film then upgrade to digital. But, in my case, I need a film SLR camera for my photography major. I really don't want to spend much money, because I don't have much as it is.
Auto focus would be nice, and it needs to be able to shoot in manual mode.
I don't really know much about the Canon line of Film SLR's, but I'm assuming any EOS camera can use an EF lens? so my canon lenses should work on it right?
If anyone could help me out that would be greatly appreciated!
Looking to spend under $100 if possible... if not then around $200 but it might be a while till I can pay that much.
Auto focus would be nice, and it needs to be able to shoot in manual mode.
I don't really know much about the Canon line of Film SLR's, but I'm assuming any EOS camera can use an EF lens? so my canon lenses should work on it right?
If anyone could help me out that would be greatly appreciated!
Looking to spend under $100 if possible... if not then around $200 but it might be a while till I can pay that much.
Why get starter bodies while you can get much better one for a little more?
I have a mint condition EOS 3 body and an excellent++ condition New F1 with FD 50/1.4 available. I PMed you.
Not everyone considers digital an "upgrade"; you might be pleasantly surprised! Digital is offers convenience and is easier to post process but film can provide exceptional results.
To answer your key question, every EOS camera body is AF (except the very uncommon model 'EF') and most have a manual mode. All are compatible with your Canon EF lenses. Be aware that some third party lenses, particularly older ones, may not work with newer bodies.
All EF lenses have an AF/MF switch so they can be focused manually.
The very good news for you is that the mass transition to digital has created a glut of film bodies on the used market. Since there are lots of them available and fewer buyers than ever, fine film bodies can be purchased for very attractive prices.
IMO, KEH in Atlanta is an excellent source for what you want. They're honest folks, have an excellent selection, reasonable prices and provide a money-back guarantee and 60 day warranty. You can easily get a good one for <$100. Right now they have an ELAN II body in 'Bargain' condition for $14; I paid more than that for a sandwich (in a city that will remain unnamed . . . <img src="" border="0" alt="" >).
I'll check out KEH, but I'm still open to offers.
glovedesigner, your cameras are a little bit out of my price range right now. If I dont buy one in the next couple of weeks I'll send you an email, but I dont have that kind of money right now, and I wont for several weeks...
10D is digital... I'm pretty sure of that. I'm looking for a Film SLR... sorry
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Yeah, I know. But two of my lenses are EF, so they would work.
Sent you a PM earlier.
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Yeah, one of the offers is an Elan IIe... which is a step down from the Elan 7. If anyone has an Elan 7 that would be cool.
Theres an EOS 1N that my employer is trying to sell for a customer... but they want $300, and I dont have that kind of money. Thats crazy talk.
I Purchased a camera, thanks for the offers everybody!