iPhoto 09 geotagging not tranferred with Smugmug export?
I just got iPhoto 09 and have been using its new built-in Places feature to geotag my photos. I'm then uploading them to Smugmug via the iPhoto plug-in from the Smugmug site. Now the Map This option is not appearing for that album, so I'm guessing the geotagging information did not get uploaded. I used to use Geotagger to tag the pictures and Smugmug MacUploader to upload the photos and it always worked fine. Anyone know if this is an iPhoto 09 problem or the iPhoto smugmug plug-in problem? Suggestions? Help?
We haven't had the chance to try the new iPhoto version yet. But it wouldn't surprize me if Apple had re-invented the geotagging and not following standards.
Could you give us a link to a photo that you geotagged in iPhoto and then uploaded to SmugMug?
How did you upload the photo from iPhoto?
Is the gallery public, has geography and 'hello smuggers' enabled?
SmugMug Support Hero
Here's a link to a photo:
Yes, I have geography on and the gallery is public and with 'hello smuggers' enabled. I uploaded it using the iPhoto plug-in (Smugmug Export: http://aarone.org/smugmugexport/). Should I try a different tool?
Hmm, the photo has some GPS information in the EXIF info, but it doesn't look complete. Here's what I see having a look at the original.
This is what it is supposed to look like.
I don't know why the longitude and latitude fields aren't included in your photo.
Could you try it the way Tannebil suggested it and export the photo manually and then upload it?
SmugMug Support Hero
I'm away from home for another week and a half but I'll try it when I get back. If that works, I can't imagine doing it for all of my pictures, though. Do MacUploader or any of the other upload options work differently from MacDaddy and the iPhoto plug-in, or would there be a chance of an update?
Okay, I'm back. I tried MacDaddy (the latest version) straight from iPhoto and it did not work. I then exported out of iPhoto including the "Include Location" check box, and imported through MacDaddy from that file and it worked fine.
I've got about 3000 pictures from an Around the World trip I'm wanting to import. Exporting them all first is going to be a giant pain. Any chance of getting support added for iPhoto 09 Places somehow to one of these upload tools in the near future? I would happily beta test. :-)
Thanks for checking on that. I'm guessing that the location data is a separate field in the iPhoto library that we might not handle in MacDaddy because it may not have existed before. Could you send us a copy of your AlbumData.xml (from /Users/~/Pictures/iPhoto Library/ - you may have to right-click on 'iPhoto library' and choose 'show package contents')? Send it to our helpdesk using the email here. (don't click on it, you would have to enter the email in your email software so that you can attach the file)
Make the subject ATTN:Sebastian and include a link back to this thread.
SmugMug Support Hero
Any news on the iPhoto geo-tagging export dilema? Keep us in the loop, would love to try a new rev that actually did the trick! Thanks much!
iPhoto plugin? - outdated. no geotagging support.
iPhone app? - useless compared to MobileMe uploading capabilities. no video upload.
OS X app - outdated
Obviously SmugMug doesn't view this is part of the SmugMug experience and so they don't dedicate any budget to it. This is really puzzling to me.
You're actually venting at the wrong company....Apple doesn't make the geocoding information freely available.
Try exporting to flickr with a geotagged image, even a service that is fully integrated into their app doesn't support it.
We'd love to do it.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Hi David,
I'm not sure what you mean. Exporting to flikr does preserve the location (though there is a preference setting in iPhoto to hide/allow the location information for uploads to the web) just as exporting to facebook preserves the names of people in the photo - from http://www.apple.com/ilife/iphoto/:
"Get face time on Facebook.
To publish photos to your Facebook account, just select the photos you want to share and click the Facebook button. iPhoto even converts names you added using Faces to Facebook name tags.
Flickr with a click.
Sharing on Flickr is just as easy: Click the Flickr button. When you share your photos on Flickr, the locations you added using Places appear on Flickr photo maps."
I have just tested this with flikr and it does work.