Dark Matter, Part I: solo (18+)
#1: IMG_0419.jpg

#2: IMG_0430.jpg

Enjoy! C&C welcome
This post was made with the assistance of Star*Explorer

#2: IMG_0430.jpg

Enjoy! C&C welcome
This post was made with the assistance of Star*Explorer
"May the f/stop be with you!"
I decided to go pretty much "as is" on these ones, no PS work except BW conversion and framing (if at all)
The hairs don't bother me at all, they show just how sharp the focus is. What is that object I see over her right shoulder and above her right hand in #1 and behind her back in #2? I find that just a little distracting.
In this great big world around us, we will find what we are looking for! What we do with it is up to us to decide.
Olympus E-500 Olympus E-520 Zuiko 14-45 Zuiko 40-150 Sigma 50-500 Zuiko 18-180 4-AB800 strobes, 1AB-400 stobe, 4 softboxes, brolly box, umbrellas etc.
Second one, I think I would really like seeing breasts cropped out. They're vying for attention and the foreground one isn't in the depth of focus. Maybe if the foreground nipple was in shadow, I think that might work too. The lines of her ribs and stomach could stand on their own, IMHO.
Really amazing detail and soft shadow work....very nice departure, I like where you're going recently for sure.
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
Frank (Doorhof) made almost exactly the same comment, so you're in a good company.. And I agree, deeper DOF is in order here...
I hope to have more soon:-)
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