Can anyone answer.

I have the middle of the road subscription to Smug Mug, and I love it here. But when I went to download all the photos that I shot a recent hockey game, it was too large. If I upgraded to the highest subscription level, is there a limit to what can be uploaded to the site for people to view. I take anywhere from 200 - 300 or more photos during a game, and I put them up so people can pick the ones they might want to buy. Right now I am using Lifepics for that, but am not happy with that site. Was just wondering if I could do that large of an upload here on Smug Mug if I upgraded. And, if I could do that, would the photos from a previous game still be able to stay on if I am ready to upload the next game I shoot? Just questions I was wondering about before I look for another site to replace Lifepics. If I can do that here, why not keep all my business with Smug Mug. One site for everything.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks for any help.
Troy, MI
D700/200, SB800(4), 70-200, 300 2.8 and a few more
When you say the download was too large, what do you mean? Are you downloading photos to your computer, or uploading to smug? If uploading, which uploader are you using? What error are you getting?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
You get unlimited storage with all account levels (as many images as you want), but some of your images may be too large for your account level.
If you save them at JPEG quality level 10 (on the 1-12 scale) or 85% on the percent scale, they should be plenty high quality and not end up being too large.
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I only tried doing it once and it wouldn't work, so I didn't try it after that. I just assumed that the photos are too large to put on the site with the account that I have. These are photos that I upload directly from my CF card to my computer. No editing is done to them, so they are full size photos. I then put them on to the site that I use, Lifepics, so that they are accessible for viewing by the teams that played against each other in the game where I took the shots. Players, family, friends, can then order what they like after looking at the shots I took at the game. My photos are probably 4 or 5 MB's each, and it's nothing for me to take 300 photos at a game.
Does this help out in any way?
Ansel Adams
Ansel Adams
I can't remember what error I was getting because it was awhile ago. I think it was saying that the files I was trying to upload were too large. These shots are being loaded from my camera to my computer, then from my computer to the website.
Ansel Adams
4-5 megabyte files are supported by all account types, per the page that jfriend already referred you to.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
That's what I think it might be, the images are too large to put on the site. I shoot with a Canon 50D, so they are large. Like I said, I take them from my CF card and put them on my computer, then I take from my computer and transfer to the website. The only photos I edit are the ones people buy.
Ansel Adams
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I shoot JPG's.
Ansel Adams
I'm sure a few would upload with no problem. I would like to be able to put a whole game's worth of photos on if it is a possibility.
I will try putting some on tonight. Thanks.
We'll see what happens.
Ansel Adams
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Hmmm, I wonder what the heck I did wrong? It's not like I'm computer illiterate or anything. I know enough to maneuver around a site doing this type of stuff. Like I said, I only tried it once, and when they wouldn't go on the site, I just figured that being able to do that here was too good to be true. But I will definitely try it again. I'm shooting a hockey game tonight. I'll see if they go on without a problem when I get home from the game. Thanks for everybody's input into my dilemma. I'll keep you posted , hopfully that it worked out for me.
Ansel Adams
The first time I tried it, it didn't work, but last night I uploaded the hockey game that I shot, and it worked. It took a long time because it was so large, but it worked. I'm not going to try and figure out the reason why it didn't work in the first place, I'm just glad that it now works.
Thanks for everybody's feedback and suggestions.
Ansel Adams
You are wasting a lot of space by donwloading everything you shoot. Try processing the images in a work flow that would allow you to delete the images that are much alike or poor to begin with. Then cull them again for quality (sharpness, subject matter etc.) then do your processing. You will end up with far fewer images of higher interest and quality, and which might appeal to more folks than the masses of images you quite possibly bewilder them with. The process is called digital work flow. Be ruthless in your culling. Look at your images as a buyer would not with the personal attachment you have in the subject and as the photographer.
Try it. You will like it. You will become more critical of your images and be better at imagining the image and taking them in the first place.
Best of luck,
Actually, I do go through the photos I take at every event and delete the obviously bad ones. Blurry, hand in front of a face, etc. Then I put the remainder up on the site for viewing. I don't process or edit 99% of the photos I take at a game until they sell. There are just too many to do that. There are some games when I'll pick a handful of photos, process them, and put them up on the site for people to see all ready for printing. When I first started doing this, I was only uploading the photos that were my favorites, but came to realize that some of the photos I wasn't putting up for viewing could very well be Mom's or Grandma's favorite. What I looked at as not being good had, at times, been looked at as great by a family member, or the players themselves. Maybe because of the personal attachment, I don't know. That's when I decided to put everything up except, like I said, the obviously bad shots. So far, many of the shots I have sold are ones that I wouldn't have chosen personally, but I'm not going to argue with the customers, they're always right. I'm not the best photographer in the world, but there is a market for the type of photography I produce, and I'm loving every minute of it. I'm having a lot of fun. If you get a chance, check out my site. I just started putting complete games on Smug Mug, and they can be found in the Events Gallery. Most everything else you see on the site are just the photographs that I like displaying online. Talk to you later.
Ansel Adams
Many times, yes. I regularly upload 14MB files x 250-300
Troy, MI
D700/200, SB800(4), 70-200, 300 2.8 and a few more