Galleries in Control Panel
Sorry if this is covered, but I'm currently getting a blank screen whenever I do a search on the forum.
I currently have 2 Pro accounts at SmugMug. On the one, I can see my galleries (gallery categories) on the control panel, home page. On the other, it says "To keep your control panel fast, we've hidden your galleries. To see them again, please move this box back to your homepage by clicking on the show link above."
Well if I do that, all my galleries will show up on my homepage, which I don't want. So how can I view all my galleries so I can customize, edit, etc in the control panel?
Sorry if this is covered, but I'm currently getting a blank screen whenever I do a search on the forum.
I currently have 2 Pro accounts at SmugMug. On the one, I can see my galleries (gallery categories) on the control panel, home page. On the other, it says "To keep your control panel fast, we've hidden your galleries. To see them again, please move this box back to your homepage by clicking on the show link above."
Well if I do that, all my galleries will show up on my homepage, which I don't want. So how can I view all my galleries so I can customize, edit, etc in the control panel?
I'm one of the SmugMug Support Heroes and will be happy to help. So I looked at both of your accounts and saw exactly what you mentioned. I went to the "Husted" site and clicked on the "show" link to bring your galleries back to the homepage. Here I noticed that you were displaying Galleries instead of Categories. I changed this setting to display Categories. Then I hit the "Homepage Layout" button, just under your custom header, and de-selected the "Gallery Categories" option. Now if yo check the "Homepage" tab in your Control Panel you'll notice that the gallery categories are visible just like in the "RacingHistorian" account. Hope this helps.
Husted Visuals
The Racing Historian