How long should it take to rotate three friggin photos?!

I am so sick of this non-usable crap. I tried to rotate a couple of photos like ten minutes ago and I get to a screen that says this could taka a while, with a link "Play with Smugmug" that takes me back to the gallery, and NOTHING happens.
I'm sorry that your rotates took a bit longer then you'd expected. They should be long done by now. Sometimes when we're busy and lots of stuff is queued up, it may take a while to get through your photos. Our system tries the best to get through the queue fast and it'll automatically fire up new servers if the load gets too high. You can read more about Skynet here.
SmugMug Support Hero
The photos were rotated just after I had posted. Sorry for my bad tude there. What frustrates me though isn't the fact that I don't know what's happening in the background (even though Skynet does seem impressive) it's that there's no feedback when nothing appears to be happening. How about atleast serving up the "Processing image" tiles (instead of the still-not-rotated photos) while I'm waiting as a confirmation that my action actually "took"?
Rotating is slow, because smugmug prioritises new uploads. This means that if you're unfortunate enough to try to rotate your photos while someone else is uploading thousands of photos, then the rotate process will be delayed until there is some "spare" CPU time.
I agree with you that the current behaviour is very frustrating. Perhaps smugmug should reasses the relative priority of rotation processes, now that they uses cloud computing to get round some of the backlogs.
Nice to know I'm not alone!
Sebastian, I never rotate my photos before I upload them, instead I trust the orientation tag in the file. (Sometimes the tagging doesnt work) Does this mean Smugmug rotates all my files that have the tag on upload?