DSS#20 Is this worth working on?

I took this the day BEFORE this started, so I would have to go look for more. Is it worth that trouble? I mean, I know I like it, but I have an odd perception of things apparantly. (:D so I have been told) Yes, I really went crazy with the shadows to bring out the prints. Any hope in this one? or is it too blah?
Gull prints in the sand
Gull prints in the sand

Would you be likely to find any more if you went a'hunting, or was this a chance capture?
It is kind of both... but I was thinking of the chaotic way the prints are everywhere.
The trick wouldn't be finding the prints, it would be finding the right sand. These were at a lake about 30 miles away. Right now we are SO dry, I should be able to find a good sandy area. Probably at the Wildlife Refuge that I volunteer at and take so many pictures at.
I don't know. Maybe if I have to ask it isn't the right one... then I think of what I have already seen. Might have to scrap this idea.
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pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
Thanks ya'll! you got mind in gear.
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Hmm I do see a focal point about a fourth of the way from the right side of the picture. There's something small that seemed to have been drawn with a stick, next to an arrow imprint. But it's not an easy spot to see and doesn't pull the eyes.
Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
It is probably the leaf you are seeing, and there is a pebble in the top right corner. All I was doing was grabbing snapshots... I didn't expect anything from the gull prints. I never even noticed the leaf or rock until I got home. Once I started playing with it and drawing out the colors in the sand I was surprised.
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