Avatar Problem

Hi All,
I have searched the threads and nothing seems to be letting me put up an avatar. I have tried
1. a direct link to sm (changing the size to 80X80)
2. using a sm lick but changing it from my custom url to my orig sm url (lisasolonynko.smugmug.com ....)
3. using an image I resized in ps (80x80 1.8k, 75x75 1.5k) saved for web.
Everytime I do it, a page comes up saying invalid file, then it takes me back to edit avatar with the option do not use custom avatar checked again.
Any ideas?
I have searched the threads and nothing seems to be letting me put up an avatar. I have tried
1. a direct link to sm (changing the size to 80X80)
2. using a sm lick but changing it from my custom url to my orig sm url (lisasolonynko.smugmug.com ....)
3. using an image I resized in ps (80x80 1.8k, 75x75 1.5k) saved for web.
Everytime I do it, a page comes up saying invalid file, then it takes me back to edit avatar with the option do not use custom avatar checked again.
Any ideas?
Hi Lisa,
It sounds like you are doing everything right.
Here is a link to a ps resized image that I put up on sm. http://lisasolonynko.smugmug.com/photos/482757448_Cmxoy-Ti.jpg
It is already resized to 75 x 75 (I left the end part -Ti because it says it is for up to 100 x 100) I have already tried to change the dimensions as I read in another post, but nothing seems to work.
Thanks for having a look.
I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I think it may be a problem on our side.
I tried to give you a new avatar through our admin-panel, that didn't work either. I get a weird error message. I get the same error message when I try to change my own avatar.
I'll ask to see if anyone knows anything about this; I'm sorry for the trouble.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Thanks for having a look.
Ok, thanks for trying. I will leave it alone for now until I find out if it is a site issue.
We have confirmed that it is a Dgrin problem and are hoping to get it fixed soon.
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
I am trying to upload a new avatar.
I created a jpg image 76x80, 2.95kB but I keep getting an error "invalid file".
Seems like I am missing something.
MOD NOTE: I merged this post into the avatar thread.
California Photo Scout
Travel Guides
No, you're not missing anything. Uploading avatars is broken for now. We are trying to find out what the problem is.
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Seriously, glad it is working now
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Thanks for the fast fix Andy.
California Photo Scout
Travel Guides