What's the best source for digital scrapbooking?
I've seen several posts, that list some sites for buying digital scrap booking supplies. Is there a source for an enormous kit? What are your favorite resources for papers, etc.?
I would like to start getting into this, but gosh, looks like so much searching etc. There has got to be a mega-source!
I would like to start getting into this, but gosh, looks like so much searching etc. There has got to be a mega-source!
My daughter is into digital scrapbooking. She started with paper, but I pretty well convinced her to go digital since was was making 3 pages of each scrapbook event, one for herself, one for her grandmother and one for her husband's grandmother.
Digital was absolutely the way to go. For a year she scrapped letter size and we wore out 3 printers printing them all out. She now scraps 8 x 10 and uploads the files and gets her prints from Costco.
This is the best link which links to hundreds of free digital files, backgrounds, elements and alphabets. The link is interesting in and of itself, as it's a computer search engine the owner created.
Have fun, and get a large hard drive!
Thanks for the great link! Looks like a great place to start.
My wife does alot of scrapbooking as well, and your right, it takes a long time and not to mention cost! Holy cow! Thanks again!
I can't wait to see some other suggestions!
Just google digital scrapbooking and you'll have pages and pages and pages for your wife to view. Automic Cupcake is good for some free actions, Ikea Goddess has the same taste I do in scrapbooking, KSharon is a favorite designer. There are sites that have free galleries to upload your pages, free lessons, free videos, scrapping videos on U-tube -- google is your friend!
There are even free page templates, just insert your own photos, but most of those are 12 x 12. You'll find them on the first link I posted in the previous reply.
Google will lead you to many "learn how to" scrapbook sites too.
I'm a graphic designer, so I never found any need for scrapbook programs, and after about 3/4 of a year, my daughter really got very good using photoshop for what she needed to create her pages and adjust and crop her photos. She even introduced me to clipping groups! She hates the page templates, prefers to do her own, especially since she scraps 8 x 10, none of them "fit."
There's even a site somewhere that will list free to low cost alternatives to photoshop, which will work just fine for scrapbooking. A lot of scrappers use photoshop elements. I'm speaking from a Mac background here.
It's amazing how huge the scrapbook world is out there.
Then, you will start looking for textures to use as backgrounds, and you'll find Flickr groups with free personal usage fantastic textures. I'm sure there are Flickr scrapbook groups that will have loads of ideas for your wife to see and adapt to the photos she's trying to scrap.
You can help your wife by shooting textures for her -- leaves for autumn, pumpkins, harvest, jelly beans, coffee beans, legos, etc.
It can be loads of fun, I hope she enjoys the adventure.
Mycanvas.com and it is affiliated with smugmug.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
Hope you have fun with it! I've been a scrapper for thirteen years now, and I would never have become interested in improving my photography had I not been interested in scrapbooking. After all, if I'm going to spend all kinds of time on these pages, I'd better have decent pictures to put on them!
Also, DesignerDigitals gets coupons for photo books at Shutterfly sometimes. I know a lot of folks use more expensive places like WHCC and Mpix and such, but being a scrapper, I print 3 60-page 12X12 hardcover books a year, and that would be too expensive at any other place.
freebies are a great place to start, but after a while, I got frustrated at the lack of coordinating elements, and even though you can re-color and such in PS, it's easier to start with coordinated kits. ikeagoddess.blogspot.com has a great freebie list every day. I'd say find your style, and when you do, you can find a designer/site that pretty much sticks to that style.
DesignerDigitals is a clean design, they have contemporary and heritage-type product. Many designers use a lot of white/negative space on their pages. Sweet Shoppe Designs is a little more frilly; PickleberryPop.com is a very, very minimalist store in Australia. Find out what you like, and go from there. I'd be glad to help you out if you ever need it, feel free to PM me. When I got started, I emailed Jessica Sprague from Creating Keepsakes and she steered me in the right direction with just a few questions.