hello, I'm a flying bee freak...
Hi everyone, I havn't been here in a while [only a few times last year], and I recognize some names from STF, and wanted to say Hi! I guess I am pretty much a new member:dunno
I love my canon 20D, heres a few photos from this month...I love the challenge of catching flying bees in action. Hope it's ok to share a few here. Not sure I have figured out how to share more than one, so will add my album link too: http://netgarden.smugmug.com/gallery/473425/8/23126223
The first one with my canon 55-200mm USM, and second with my 50mm 2.5 compact macro lens.

I love my canon 20D, heres a few photos from this month...I love the challenge of catching flying bees in action. Hope it's ok to share a few here. Not sure I have figured out how to share more than one, so will add my album link too: http://netgarden.smugmug.com/gallery/473425/8/23126223
The first one with my canon 55-200mm USM, and second with my 50mm 2.5 compact macro lens.

Someone posted some bees a few weeks ago and everyone mentioned how tough they are to nail. They are so fast and you need to be so close
Welcome back and we'd love to see more of your pics, so don't be shy
tristansphotography.com (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
Cincinnati Smug Leader
Enjoy this myself and know it ain't no cake walk
My Galleries
Welcome... Great shots. I like this one. If Harry sees it he might add it to his large collection of bird butt shots.
I yield these shot to you. I have no interest in shootiing bees. I don't bother them and they don't bother me. I am 35 years old and have never been stung by a bee or any flying thingy with a pointy bottom.
Send more.
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
I guees I really am an ass man.
My Galleries
Thanks for the comments. Much appreciated!
A little trick, focus on the flower first, [on the outside edge] and wait for them to leave, cross your fingers and toes that they are in the focus area after snapping.
I've got one that came at me! lol Not stung yet! But ouch they do hurt like heck, I stepped on one once. YIKES
Last year we discovered a bee hive in our newly painted walls. Within 3 weeks they had all moved in. I wondered why I had so many bees to photograph! I'll send 'em your way Ben!
Been working on this guy in my backyard for a while, well several 100 shots I'm sure
But this is all I got to show for now
My Galleries
Nice shots as always and great to see them stopped in flight.