Pro sales detail page
FYI, the status on the pro sales detail page is not working like it should. I cleared 11 orders, yesterday and today they are still label as new from the sales detail page, yet when you click on each they show processing and printing. Also I have an order that I cleared to processing and printing like thursday and it still is showing that status. That is a long time to print a very simple order.
"A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
What is the order number from the one that is still processing/printing that you cleared on Thursday? & smugmug
Check Order #'s 903604 & 904261 they were cleared for processing a while back. One still shows that status, even though like 8 others orders were cleared after and are showing shipped.
I am using firefox browser, not sure if that is important. When I click on order details and the page with the order and the cropping the status differs from when I am on the page with all the sales. It has been numerous occasions and quite a few different orders since you added that feature.
I have a need for a decent # of these smaller cards. If you have multiple cards that would be great. I am located at zip code 35243 & 35255.
Hey Scott,
Thanks for the extra details. I want to make sure I'm looking in the right spot. Here's what I see on the order details page:
(order 903604 shows "shipped" there.)
And on the preceding page:
I personally made the recent changes to those pages, so I definitely want to understand if something is amiss. Thanks!
-Anne Bean
I guess about 904261 my question was more about what is the hold up. It shouldn't still be in printing and processing should it. It was cleared on the 2/26 I believe, many order cleared after already have shipped.
I have a need for a decent # of these smaller cards. If you have multiple cards that would be great. I am located at zip code 35243 & 35255.
I have a need for a decent # of these smaller cards. If you have multiple cards that would be great. I am located at zip code 35243 & 35255.
Yep, this one is slow. I checked it out and it looks as though it's on hold. We're contacting the customer to verify the address.
Yeah, I see what you mean. Do you recall what the status was showing up as previously for orders that were currently being processed at the lab? I want to make sure I understand what changed, exactly.