DSS #20 thought

I took this shot this weekend and wonder what feeling other people get from it. I wonder if my interpretation of it is clouded by the feeling I got from the day as a whole... let's just say, if you wanted to go to the beach in Februrary, there's never been a better day to do it than this past Saturday! 

I tried some very soft, low contrast processing, just to be a little different...

I tried some very soft, low contrast processing, just to be a little different...
Thanks for the response Jag... there are others from the night that I'm about to look through... This one was sort of an experiment, hence the super-low contrast and softness... but I'll be the first to admit it doesn't match what I had planned when I set out that night... I may be able to get out for another shot this week, hopefully I can capture what I've got in mind...
SmugMug QA
My Photos
as you have it one could beleive the FG is Sand or Water or Fog or.....or...
i think its is to soft... the rock bank would look mucho better with some definition.... IMO
Thanks Aaron...
I'll try some different conversions on this one when I get home, I was hoping the overall softness would give it a serene kind of feeling, but the more I look at it, I think I'm trying to shoehorn in that thought... Maybe some reprocessing will get this one back in line with the challenge... but then again, any reason to go out shooting is a good one, even a reshoot!!
SmugMug QA
My Photos