New Facebook Page For My Photography Website

I finally put up a facebook page for my photography site and would love some feedback / opinions / etc.
My website is and the facebook page is:
My website is and the facebook page is:
John in Georgia
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
I wanted to see how you did this as it is something I have been considering but I am getting a message that we have to be signed in to Facebook to see this??? True or an error on my part??
I guess that's true - the facebook site has business pages that you can create once you are a member. So I am a regular member, but then created a business page to promote my regular website.
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
How do you create a "business page"? I've looked all over my face book and can't find it.
Jerry Nelson
Ah! So this is a promo only for members of Facebook. Forget everyone else?
-Fleetwood Mac
I wonder what the value is in having a business page that only a select few can view?
I would certainly not sign up for a facebook account in order to view what really amounts to an ad for a business!!!
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I ran into the same thing - but it's all the way at the bottom whenever you are viewing a business page. It should say "create a page for my business" or something like that.
Sort of, it's just an additional way to market my website and drive traffic to it, raise awareness, etc.
Since FB is all about connecting and re-connecting with people, it will help me push/force-feed information to my circle of influence whenever I upload pics it will remind them. When I'm going to be photographing an event, it reminds them, etc.
It's not a replacement for my main website, just an additional 'aspect' of it I guess.
I'm looking at this along the same lines of having a blog that references your website, or a feed that tells people when you make updates - just another way to get the info out there.
FB and pages like this answer the question "so... what have you been up to lately?"
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
I know there has been some ongoing debate about that, but I'm not sure what the resolution has been.
Prior to now, I have just been using the simplemug application to post an update when I've uploaded new pics (on my personal FB page) but it doesn't actually load or save the pics to FB.
But with the photography business page that's definitely something I need to find out.
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
I must be dumber than a rock...but I still can't find out how to create such a page. I think it's a great idea. Even if it doesn't drive great amount of traffic to my site, nothing bad can come from having it up there. Thanks!
I'm at work and can't access Facebook or I could tell you exactly where to look. It's a one liner near the bottom of your page I believe. Do a 'find' on 'Business' and I think you will see it. If not I'll check when I get home.
Smugmug site
Blog Portfolio
Sorry my joke was sooo subliminal
I got that the FB posting was a way drive people to jhelms website and think it is a great idea
What happens when you quote people who quote people is the embedded first quote gets dropped. My quote above was a reply to jhelms reply to this quote:
I'll just go crawl back into my hole now and maybe see my shadow when I crawl back out in another 3 months.
-Fleetwood Mac
Here is a link to the help page that talks about adding a business page:
It's not easy to find - it's not you!
Smugmug site
Blog Portfolio
of which only a mere 175 are adults the rest are kids
Hah, I said the same thing, to which [post=1045981]Andy replied[/post]:
Indeed some reports say the fastest growing group of new users is the 35-54 year old demographic:
Another report claims that it's women over 55:
Bottom line, it's not just for kids anymore. Which means it's not cool. Which means the kids should be fleeing it any minute now, but that's just fine for us olds, right? (Said the 38-year old.)
Some people consider television evil. It rots the brain, has nothing of value, blah blah blah.
But if you're a professional photographer and were offered 60-seconds of free prime-time advertising on a local TV station that is regularly viewed by all your former customers as well as all of their myriad friends and family, would you turn it down, for all of TV's inherent evilness? Keep in mind that this commercial would run every day, and be shown to this very specific group of potential customers regularly. In fact, not only is it a targeted group of consumers, the commercial has an implicit endorsement from the friend whose "channel" they're all watching.
Ok ok, analogy is rapidly falling apart. Nonetheless -- Facebook is currently free for businesses. Seems like it'd be silly not to take advantage of free advertising, even if it's just a bunch of 35-55 year old "kids" on there.
I totally agree - it was that thinking that led me to go ahead and start the page there!
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
If you add me as a friend just put 'dgrin' or 'smugmug' or something in the personal message to me, since I do try to at least remember where/how I know people on there...
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
My wife set me up a page a few months agoi just for fune to see if I could find some old friends. Just started thinking more and more about using this to promote my photography business. So I'm just using a personal pagge and not a business page.
What I am doing right now (I shoot primarily sports) is daily I am trying to expand my friends - anyone and everyone I know and have associations with plus manufactures that can help create commercial business. I have been uploading 4 photos every other day to my photo galleries to try and keep my name up on everone wall with some teaser photos. using a new and larger watermark to promote my SM site - I'm no longer worring about people stealing my images for person use - they are going to screen capture them anyway. I'm changing my attiture and looking at this as free publicity. Due to this I have also changed all my galleries to allow access to links and email photos from my SM sire which I had in the pastt always disabled. Added the FaceBook application that all new photo uploads to my SM site will get posted to my FaceBook wall as well.
Put a FaceBook note under my SM home page slide show telling my customers to join as my FaceBook friend to keep update on new photos from my site.
Just trying to find ways to keep up with the times
John Harrington over at the Photo Business News & Forum isn't too crazy about facebooks terms of services either.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Nikon | Private Photojournalist
I think your page is great! It is inspiring me to get one started as well. Thank you!!!
Anna Rocks