24" iMac Calibration - what do you use?
Hello! I'm a NEWBIE SmugMugger! I have a 24" iMac that's a year old (glossy screen). I don't want to spend an arm and a leg on a calibration program, but I want something that works and is user friendly. Any suggestions? Thank you in advance for your help on this!
I calibrate my MAC with an xrite eye I 2. Works great!
yes...very easy to use. It also will calibrate with ambient light. so if you have windows or lights to deal with it will take that into consideration... basically it just hangs on the front of your screen and the software does the rest!
Do you man to turn the lights off "during calibration?" Which one do you have 2Express or 3Pro? Is it user friendly? Thank you so much as I try to figure this all out!
I have the Spyder2Express and it's very easy, just like the one described above. I install the software, put it on the screen when it tells me to, then it runs through the rainbow (literally) and adjusts the monitor accordingly. It's amazing how I noticed how my photos improved -- and the differences I saw between monitors (I've 2 desktops and 2 laptops) disappeared. I kept doubting if things were too bright or too dark, but now I know for certain
I'm sorry to keep asking questions, but I'm really trying to be thorough!
You are using this on a Mac? Do you know if you can use it on a 64 bit Vista PC as well? I got a new PC in December - just as a back-up and for Quicken (and for some reason my iMac will NOT accept my favorite font - even the Apple Genius bar couldn't figure it out). Anyway, just wondering if I could use it to calibrate both.
Also, I do have windows in my office so the lighting in this room changes throughout the day - does the Xrite Eye-One Display 2 Colorimeter Monitor Profile Solution allow for this/change the calibration throughout the day? is the device that hangs on your monitor annoying or get in the way?
Thank you for your time! Janet
As far as I have seen, iMac screens have a weird green color (like a color cast) in the right edge of the screen which almost covers the half of it.
Glad to hear that you have successfully calibrated your iMac 24" with the X-Rite Eye One Display 2. Are you using the software that came with the puck or a separate software program? I've read that the X-Rite Eye One Display 2 puck works great with the Color Eyes Display Pro software by Integrated Color Corp. I don't want to go out and invest a lot of money on a really good Epson printer only to find out that I cannot get my prints to match. If that's the case, I may as well turn in my iMac 24" for the new iMac OR buy a separate monitor to work on. Thanks in advance!
For the money, off course.
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