Least tedious way to create a Year > Month structure?

uncooluncool Registered Users Posts: 96 Big grins
edited March 3, 2009 in SmugMug Support
I am going to use SM for a backup of data. I started to dump all 2007 photos into a single 2007 gallery but quickly realized sorting through that much data is cumbersome.
So I know have plans on creating a Category for 2007 and then galleries for Jan, Feb, Mar...

What is the least tedious way to do this? I have six years of photos to archive in this manner.

I currently have Lightroom and iPhoto set up with this structure. Are there plug-ins for those apps or any other app that can automatically create the structure? Uploading can be done either simultaneously as the structure is created or after the structure has been set up.
Well every person you can know,
And every place that you can go,
And any thing that you can show,
You know they're nouns.


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