Just curious-- is there anything in this photo that couldn't have been done with any brand light? What makes you love AB's over say Profoto or any other brand? Yes, I have some AB's. They're priced nicely but that low price comes with a price. The plastic light housings are easily cracked, the controls are far from precise, the WB and output seems to vary quite a bit depending on your style of shooting.
Just curious-- is there anything in this photo that couldn't have been done with any brand light? What makes you love AB's over say Profoto or any other brand? Yes, I have some AB's. They're priced nicely but that low price comes with a price. The plastic light housings are easily cracked, the controls are far from precise, the WB and output seems to vary quite a bit depending on your style of shooting.
Um no, but alienbees are what i have and what i bought, given the deal that I was able to pick up - it was stupid foolish to not pick them up.
never heard of anyone with anyone negative to say about alienbee stuff.
if u dont like em, sell em and move onto something else
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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never heard of anyone with anyone negative to say about alienbee stuff.
if u dont like em, sell em and move onto something else