Something about this shot seems to work, but at the same time, it seems like there's something missing...just didn't quite "nail" the shot. Any suggestions?

Thanks for the help!
Jerry Nelson
Koinonia Farm
Americus, GA

Thanks for the help!
Jerry Nelson
Koinonia Farm
Americus, GA
Printed, I don't know how it would come across.
What seems, to me at least, to be missing is a connection between the children and the contents of the fish tank - the corner of the tank does a great job of creating a huge disconnect (not a good thing in this case).
And, the one fish I can make out in the take is quite small and seems to be blurry.
There's some reflections on/in the glass of the tank as well. One huge one above the water-line and another about 1/2 down. Big detractors.
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