Year > Month structure?
Which date does the year/month structure use in determining year/month
Does it use the date of the information associated with the info in the pictures themselves?
Let me say what i want to do:
With all of my galleries titled day of the week, month/day/year
Monday 1/1/07
Tuesday 1/2/07
I want to display my galleries chronologicly
As far as:
galleries->sort galleries by->position (arrange)
I do not understand how to do that
Thanks in advance
Does it use the date of the information associated with the info in the pictures themselves?
Let me say what i want to do:
With all of my galleries titled day of the week, month/day/year
Monday 1/1/07
Tuesday 1/2/07
I want to display my galleries chronologicly
As far as:
galleries->sort galleries by->position (arrange)
I do not understand how to do that
Thanks in advance
The names that you gave your galleries don't work for having them sorted in chronological order. You have:
Tuesday January 27, 2009
Saterday January 24, 2009
Computers sort from left to right and character by character. So Tuesday would come before Saturday for these two examples above. You would have to name them like that in order to be able to arrange them easily by date:
2009-01-24 Saturday
2009-01-27 Tuesday
That's a naming scheme that a computer can sort properly.
Then, to sort the galleries by name, check the top of your galleries box on the homepage:
Sort galleries by: most recent · position (arrange)
Click on the 'arrange' link and then you can use the 'quick sort' by title to have them arranged properly.
Once you add new galleries, you would have to use the 'arrange' tool on the homepage again.
SmugMug Support Hero
I will start off by renaming all of my galleries and do that first
Thank you, by the way