Looking for a Tripod is worse than ...
... shopping for a car! To make matters worse, there are very few camera shops in the area that I live where I can look them over in person, so ... I am stuck searching the Net. Do you know how difficult that can be? (the pictures are so tiny)
When I bought my first pod (about 274 years ago), the choices were much fewer, and I had several shops nearby (southern Cal) to see them in person. Times have changed. Now I don't have a clue what to get! :dunno
Okay, I'll stop whining ...
If anyone has a D300 with a lens as large as the 70-200 2.8, please let me know what you use. Better yet, if you no longer need it, send it my way!:D
When I bought my first pod (about 274 years ago), the choices were much fewer, and I had several shops nearby (southern Cal) to see them in person. Times have changed. Now I don't have a clue what to get! :dunno
Okay, I'll stop whining ...
If anyone has a D300 with a lens as large as the 70-200 2.8, please let me know what you use. Better yet, if you no longer need it, send it my way!:D
"Every moment in life is unique and will never be repeated.
These are the moments that present the greatest opportunity for a photographer ..."
"Every moment in life is unique and will never be repeated.
These are the moments that present the greatest opportunity for a photographer ..."
How will you use the tripod; what applications?
How much would you like to carry and how compact need it be?
What sort of head do you need? (2 way, 3 way, ball head, pano head, etc.)
Let us know as much as you can about your needs and requirements and then, we can help.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
I will mainly use it for portraits and macro, but may on occasion use it for some landscape or real estate.
I would like it to be comfortable enough for someone my height (6'2"), but I don't mind crouching a little. As for weight, I would like it to be light enough to carry on a hike, even though I will mostly use it on shorter trips (outdoor portraits, etc.). I would like to be able to shoot somewhat low at times.
As far as a head is concerned, I like the ball heads. I have one on my Bogen mono, and it works well.
Budget? Let's just say between $200-400, give or take a little.
"Every moment in life is unique and will never be repeated.
These are the moments that present the greatest opportunity for a photographer ..."
I have been pleased with the Induro AX214. One of things I bought for was the ability to go vertical or horizontal with the center column. I have giottos ball head and they both handle the D300 with 200mm f2 nikon very well. Pricing is very competitve
Thanks, Ron. I think I own some stock in B&H by now, as they are my main source for gear. In fact, the UPS truck was here 2 hours ago with my latest acquisition.
"Every moment in life is unique and will never be repeated.
These are the moments that present the greatest opportunity for a photographer ..."
Thanks, Chris - I'll take a look at it.
"Every moment in life is unique and will never be repeated.
These are the moments that present the greatest opportunity for a photographer ..."
I use a Giottos 4 section and love it.......It is lighter than the old Bogen/Manfrotto and its center column is made to tilt at various angles for macro shooting.....when I have the center column at an odd angle I usually have some sort of counter weight on the other end of the column just for stability.........it gets win in 9" of the ground and if I had the shorty column (6") then it would be much more stabil than it is with a ~24" column sticking up.........mine is the Giottos MT9180 ...... I also use the Giottos P-Pod.....a monopod with 3 legs stored in the bottom section that allows for a little more stability as a tripod or you can have the pod laying at ~40-45* angle to get to those macro shots......they also come with a 3 way head and quick releases.................
Thanks, Art. Another one to look into.
"Every moment in life is unique and will never be repeated.
These are the moments that present the greatest opportunity for a photographer ..."
I don't have much to add in way of helping find one, but I sure know how you feel! I think it took me a few months to snag a 3001 with a 3030 head (both Manfrotto/bogan) off of ebay (I paid about $70 for the combo, shipped-in perfect shape save a little dust). I thought I would lose my mind trying to research heads and legs! I lucked out at Christmas time when I got a 3021 and a bogen 3 way tilt pan head that I can't recall the number of for about $100, so I thought it would be a snap to find one for myself. HA! Both turned out to be good sound investments though. I like his quick release plate better, but I don't use very heavy lenses like he does (He usually uses a Sigma 170-500) so it's probably sufficent for my camera and lens.
Good luck on your search...
Portrait, Wedding & Event Photography
Thank you to everyone for your assistance.
After much deliberation (too much), I ended up going with the Bogen 055XPROB and the Bogen 488RC2 head. I decided to not go with CF -or something more expensive- in order to stay married.
"Every moment in life is unique and will never be repeated.
These are the moments that present the greatest opportunity for a photographer ..."
I was close to a Gitzo GT3530LS and a RRS BH40. Then I figured if I went with the Bogen 055XPROB and 488RC2 I would have enough left over for an EF-S 10-22mm and an 8GB card!
And if I brought them in at different times I too could stay married.
Great minds think alike
Whatever it takes, that's what I always say!
"Every moment in life is unique and will never be repeated.
These are the moments that present the greatest opportunity for a photographer ..."
Are you talking about you guys thinking alike or your wives thinking alike?
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums