Mac Defrag

Is this something that we mac people do? I'm a recent convert and this morning did a lot of shuffling on my external HD....which previously I would have defragged afterwards on my pc.....:dunno
You probably don't need to worry unless your disk got very full. Check this out. Have you noticed any performance issues? If not, it probably ain't broke...
I have not defragmented my drives since moving to the Apple world several years ago. I had almost forgotten that bit of care needed by some hard drives.
Needless to say, I have not noticed any effect on my Macs due to my lack of diligence
I would add that no hard drive is very happy when it becomes more than 80% filled with data, and I do not allow my drives to reach more than 80% filled before taking some kind of action to correct it.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin