#20--Trying again

Here's attempt #3 at applying a vignette that I like. It appears I may end up trying to use this picture after all. Someone else did something similar to the other idea I was going to work on today, and I'm out of ideas. I need to make this one work.
Am I even on the right track with the vignette or should I just scrap it?

Am I even on the right track with the vignette or should I just scrap it?

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I like this vignette. It is subtle... you can't see a distinct place where it is, it is just there. (does that make sense?)
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Now I just need to decide on a title. I was originally thinking 'Relaxed' but in my mind I keep thinking that my little 'chaos creator' is just recharging for the next round of mischief. I was hoping for a title to convey the idea of 'serene right now, but wait till he wakes up' lol.
Any ideas??
For a caption how about something like: