
Multipass Sharpening

gmitchel850gmitchel850 Registered Users Posts: 100 Major grins
edited March 7, 2009 in Finishing School
The topic I've been discussing at length this week has been sharpening. I've shared a video segment on sharpening basics. I've shared a chapter on Sharpening Basics.

I'll wrap this feast of sharpening information from my eBook/video on sharpening (Sharpening Your Photographs) with the chapter on Multipass Sharpening.


You'll not only learn about the theory of multipass sharpening, you'll come away with candidate settings for capture sharpening, creative sharpening, and output sharpening.

(The chapter includes ACR 4.1. I need to do an update to include ACR 5 and Lightroom 2.)



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