Maine in Winter: "Lighthouses and Bird Tracks"

I am continuing to process images from my recent visit to mid-coast Maine. As I re-work some of my shots from other threads, I discover additional images that I would like to share. Please enjoy, and please provide any C&C you have.
1. I spent a lot of time on PP on this one--how does it look?

2. 3 exposure HDR - Portland Head Light

3. "Portland Coast" -- is there too much fisheye effect?

4. "Snowcovered"

5. This is one of my favorite shots, but it needs a title!! Any suggestions?
1. I spent a lot of time on PP on this one--how does it look?

2. 3 exposure HDR - Portland Head Light

3. "Portland Coast" -- is there too much fisheye effect?

4. "Snowcovered"

5. This is one of my favorite shots, but it needs a title!! Any suggestions?

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You would LOVE the Fundy Trail here in NB. It offers some of the most stunning vistas and, for those that can get up pre-dawn; the sunrises are AMAZING! I'm sure it easily rivals Acadia Nat. Park in Maine.
then there's Cap d'Enrage - lighthouse, rappelling opportunities (not me - deathly fear of heights), cliffs and rocks. I could go on (and usually do).
Maybe in the fall when we're in Maine I can convince everyone to come north next year!
Picadilly, NB, Canada
That bird looks like it probably got a bit spooked by the giant human feet.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography