Limit Downloads
How can I limit which sizes and/or resolutions people can buy and download?
I'm getting ready to start taking and selling action shots of the kids baseball teams here in town. I'd like to be able to limit what pictures parents can purchase to at least the 8x10 size. Also, I'd like to offer free downloadable pictures, but I want the downloaded pics to be of such a resolution that they won't be tempted to scan and reprint or take them to a photoshop.
Any thoughts and suggestions?
Jerry Nelson
I'm getting ready to start taking and selling action shots of the kids baseball teams here in town. I'd like to be able to limit what pictures parents can purchase to at least the 8x10 size. Also, I'd like to offer free downloadable pictures, but I want the downloaded pics to be of such a resolution that they won't be tempted to scan and reprint or take them to a photoshop.
Any thoughts and suggestions?
Jerry Nelson
Sure, you can set prices for products that you don't want to offer to 0.00 . For the products that you want to offer, you just enter your own custom price. It's done with the 'set prices' tool from the Tools button in any gallery. More on pricing is here.
To limit the size available for viewing, check the 'largest size available' option from 'customize gallery'. Here's more on it. In combination with that and turning off 'protection', you visitors could right-click and save photos at the sizes that you allow them to view.
I hope this helps,
SmugMug Support Hero
Do you want to limit them to buying 8x10 and larger, or 8x10 and smaller?
If 8x10 and smaller, and you have a Pro account, you can upload a small image (750x935 or larger) and enable viewing originals.
That will allow visitors to order prints up to 8x10 and save a small version. You can see specific resolution minimums here.
Combine it with proof delay so you can upload a higher resolution image when a print order somes in and its pretty smooth, just remember to swap back the lo-res version after sending the order off to be printed.
If you want to sell 8x10 and larger but offer free low resolution downloads I think you're not going to find an easy solution without allowing right click save (and not using watermarks).