
March 11 COBA meeting at Smugmug

jcdilljcdill Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
edited March 9, 2009 in The Big Picture
We had a great turn-out at the February meeting! Hope to see you all again in March. Details follow.



This is a reminder that the March 2009 meeting for the Camera Owners
of the Bay Area (COBA) user group will be held this Wednesday, March
11, 2009, at SmugMug headquarters in Mountain View from 7:30 pm to
10:00 pm.

== Meeting Location ==

As a reminder for those who were not able to attend the February
meeting, COBA is now convening at SmugMug offices near downtown
Mountain View.

67 E. Evelyn Ave, Suite 200
Mountain View, CA 94041

== Agenda ==

19:00-19:30: Sign-in and mingling period
19:30-20:30: Wireless Digital Photography
20:45-21:30: Sensor Cleaning

== Wireless Digital Photography at Events ==

What do you become when you combine your digital camera with an Eye-Fi
wireless memory card, an EVDO modem and an EVDO/Wi-Fi router? You'll
transform into a walking, talking, snapping, wireless digital
photographer! Come and see how this system can be used during your
future event photography jobs: weddings, parties, and conferences. We
will show how your photos can be automatically uploaded to your
computer and your favorite online photo sharing site.

Information on this setup can be found here:


== Sensor Cleaning ==

Most recent DSLRS have several features to combat sensor dust,
including dust-resistant sensor coatings, ultrasonic vibrations, and
even sticky tape at the bottom of the sensor housing. Despite their
best efforts, they don't always completely rid your sensor of dust. JC
Dill will be demonstrating several products that you can use to
manually clean your sensor, including Dust Aid and Visible Dust. If
you have any products that you find useful for combatting dust, bring
them to the meeting!

== More Information ==

For more information about COBA, please visit: http://coba.tow.com
JC Dill - Equine Photographer, San Francisco & San Jose http://portfolio.jcdill.com
"Chance favors the prepared mind." ~ Ansel Adams
"Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it." ~ Terry Pratchett
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