Gradient Tool
I would very much appreciate if someone could give me the sequence for displaying a gradient colour so it goes behind an image. For example I tried to bring down a blue sky colour and it came in front of the the houses creating like a mist if you know what I mean.
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
I am on CS4 what do you call a Quick Mask. I have tried pressing (Q) and each time it brings up a dialogue saying 'Save changes to the Adobe Photoshop document before quitting' If I press Q I exit Photoshop.
Mask an area and then press Q. You will see a color (red by default) overlay. You can now paint with black or white to add or subtract from the selection. When done press Q again to see your selection masked (crawling ants).
For a continuous blue sky you can mask it easily using the magic wand tool. It's stored with the quick selection tool in the tool pallete.
Read up on masking, Bob. There are lots of tutorials online...just google for them.
Thats great Ric thanks for that I will do exactly as you say you have been a great help once again.
Are you on a Mac? On my PC Cntr+Q is equivelant to Quit. Pressing Q alone starts "Quick Mask".
Canon 50D, 30D and Digital Rebel (plus some old friends - FTB and AE1)
Long-time amateur.....wishing for more time to play
Autocross and Track junkie
On this pic, if I remeber correctly........what I did was to remove the background and then made a gradient layer and merged / flattened and this was the finished product......originall behind the horse was a bunch of construction going on.
You have made an excellent job of that Art. Well done. No I am not on a Mac Tony I am on Widows XP.
Thanx......that has been my only attempt so far.....I have other car bumber sculptchers that i want to do to get rid of nasty parking lots and light poles..........