Nice morning
I went to my favorite haunt today, Hagerman National Wildlife Refuge. You never know what you will see there. The pelicans were newly in this week. Not much else has arrived for spring yet.
Granted, I will never have the quality of what is in here... there are limits to my camera. But I just had to show my pretty little deer that stood and posed this morning. She stood around, with her 2 young ones, and let me take pictures. She never ran, just finally walked away slowly into the brush.

Granted, I will never have the quality of what is in here... there are limits to my camera. But I just had to show my pretty little deer that stood and posed this morning. She stood around, with her 2 young ones, and let me take pictures. She never ran, just finally walked away slowly into the brush.

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Yes, #2 is my pride of that day. The fact that I was shooting across and out the passenger side window and was trying to hold the camera staedy. I was surprised it wasn't all one giant blur.
We are getting lots of rain now, (fingers crossed), so we should have some happy animals out in a few days.
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