would you fix this?

there may be other problems with this image, but the one that stands out to me is the young gal's skin is way lighter than everyone else's (I have actually darkend this just a bit in lightroom. Question: would you fix her skin to make it resemble the others?

Definitely wouldn't, she's a little bit paler than the rest of the group, but there's nothing wrong with that.
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So, if that means correcting skin tones, burning here, dodging there, removing skin blemishes (to a point), etc - then that's what's got to be done.
The fact that the lady on the right has skin so much more pale than the others really spearates her from the rest. This is usually not something a family portrait should be doing. Rather, you would think a family portrait would emphasize family unity. So, yes correct all the skin tones, and bring the young lady's more in line with the rest.
Oh, and I hope this is a crop. As a 4x6 (or similar ratio print) this works. But, you need a lot more space in this if your clients might want an 8x10 or any ratio other than 4x6. Something to think about.
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It'll be interesting to see what others, on a calibrated monitor have to say about the skin tones of the two on the left. Shoot, Swartzy beat me to it (slow typing - what can I say?)
Josh, do you have a gray card? If not - get one as they take a lot of the guess work out of the processing. At worst, the provide a "standard" starting point in your color-correction process.
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Yep, much better....
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