Logo Help - Willing to Pay

I need some help on a logo. Everyone seems to like and remember my website name - "John Took My Picture Dot Com".
But I'm having trouble roping that into my logo since it's so long.
Currently I'm passing out mini-flyers and simple cards with basic info and the www.JohnTookMyPicture.com address on them, but I'd really like to incorporate the website name into a photo related / image logo.
I thought about "John" in large handwriting with "TookMyPicture.com" underneath in smaller font, but can't really sketch out an example that looks right.
I'm not looking for a freebie - so if anyone has any positive results from a pay-for-logo creative place feel free to point me in that direction as well.
But I'm having trouble roping that into my logo since it's so long.
Currently I'm passing out mini-flyers and simple cards with basic info and the www.JohnTookMyPicture.com address on them, but I'd really like to incorporate the website name into a photo related / image logo.
I thought about "John" in large handwriting with "TookMyPicture.com" underneath in smaller font, but can't really sketch out an example that looks right.
I'm not looking for a freebie - so if anyone has any positive results from a pay-for-logo creative place feel free to point me in that direction as well.
John in Georgia
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Dogwood used LogoMojo and reviewed it in this post
Log Design Team has also been mentioned, but I don't know who used them
And there is this company that runs a logo design company as a "contest" in which you supply the prize money (your fee -- you set it), and people design things to enter, but I don't remember the name. Search...
edited: one of the "contest" places is called 99 designs, but some people think it's taking advantage of the designers....