Hey, it's too easy. Here's how. Send your old camera to LifePixel with your credit card number. Amazingly, when they ship it back to you it will be capable of capturing nice IR images.
More Photography . . . Less Photoshop [. . . except when I do it] Jeff Meyers
Hey, it's too easy. Here's how. Send your old camera to LifePixel with your credit card number. Amazingly, when they ship it back to you it will capable of capturing nice IR images.
I don't feel like runnin' no more ...
Very cool treatment Jeff.
Very surreal looking and I like how the trees on the left disappear into the road at the vanishing point. I even find myself leaning to the right a little...Forest Gump style...as I follow the road The horizon looks straight it's the tilt in the road that you captured so well.
Really like the colors and the composition, looks like a great place for a Walk.
Very nicely done.
Burleson, Texas
Very nice indeed
Hey, it's too easy. Here's how. Send your old camera to LifePixel with your credit card number. Amazingly, when they ship it back to you it will be capable of capturing nice IR images.
Jeff Meyers
no money:cry
I didn't say anything about money.
Jeff Meyers
Very cool treatment Jeff.
Very surreal looking and I like how the trees on the left disappear into the road at the vanishing point. I even find myself leaning to the right a little...Forest Gump style...as I follow the road
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