Photoshop Plug-in
Hi everyone,
I've been using P'shop on and off over the last couple of years mainly for the web at quite an amateurish level - but wanted to get more serious - so I am looking at Plug ins. Someone mentioned Vertus - a company that apparently do them - does anyone know anything about their range?
I've been using P'shop on and off over the last couple of years mainly for the web at quite an amateurish level - but wanted to get more serious - so I am looking at Plug ins. Someone mentioned Vertus - a company that apparently do them - does anyone know anything about their range?
I'm not familiar with Vertus. Hopefully someone will chime in with some words of wisdom
I suspect folks here can recommend plug-ins for many effects.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
thanks for the replies
I found out more on the cut out plug in I was interested in - its called Fluid Mask - link here:
any thoughts?
I gave it a whirl myself recently and found it very impressive on the several images I tried it on. As for using it, the plugin comes with the usual brush and pen tools for applying mask areas manually or you can let the software find edges automatically.
What I found especially useful was the region editor. It allows you to fine tune the mask selections you've made, sort colors, reduce or expand the color range on a pixel by pixel basis and assign those colors into the three masking types: keep, delete or complex (edges between your keep and delete sections).
It's the perfect tool (if a little pricey) for taking your cutout workflow to the next level it's thats the sort of thing you're after.
Mark Twain
Some times I get lucky and when that happens I show the results here:
Alternatively he could try Corel's Knockout 2 which is substantially cheaper. However, I've never used it so am not best placed to recommend it. Has anyone tried both it and Fluid Mask and how do they stack up against one another.
Just found out that Vertustech have finally reduced the price of the Fluid Mask plugin to $249 and increased the free upgrade period from six to twelve months. Still expensive no matter how good the results IMO.
Looks like they finally got around to launching a version for Windows as well now.
Thanks for the update!