Featured Gallery Help

Good morning!!!!
I had a quickie question about featured galleries.
I had a Gallery category listed as a featured gallery on my homepage....then I accidentally took it off as being featured and now I cannot get it set back there......it is only allowing me to pic one of the galleries inside the category.
Hope I'm making sense...
Example: On my homepage http://shayebryd.smugmug.com/, I have a gallery category called 2009 A Day in the Year, I had the entire contents of this up in my Featured galleries....I cannot get it back there.....instead I can only go into it and pick one of the galleries to feature......any advice?
Thank you in advance!!!
I had a quickie question about featured galleries.
I had a Gallery category listed as a featured gallery on my homepage....then I accidentally took it off as being featured and now I cannot get it set back there......it is only allowing me to pic one of the galleries inside the category.
Hope I'm making sense...
Example: On my homepage http://shayebryd.smugmug.com/, I have a gallery category called 2009 A Day in the Year, I had the entire contents of this up in my Featured galleries....I cannot get it back there.....instead I can only go into it and pick one of the galleries to feature......any advice?
Thank you in advance!!!
"My favorite thing is to go where I've never been!"
That should help explain how to do it. If you still have trouble, please let me know.