PS LR2 and PSE7 Actions for Automatically Making 5 Exposures from 1 RAW

Is there any way to automate the creation of +2/-2 exp files from a single RAW in Photoshop LR2 or PSElements 7?
I routinely bracket exposures in camera to get files for HDR processing, but I handhold almost everything and have several RAW single exposures that would benefit from some HDR style processing but I'm looking for the quickest way to get those 5-7 files created.
I routinely bracket exposures in camera to get files for HDR processing, but I handhold almost everything and have several RAW single exposures that would benefit from some HDR style processing but I'm looking for the quickest way to get those 5-7 files created.
John in Georgia
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
Nikon | Private Photojournalist