I am having a terrible time trying to embed music on my homepage. I became a member of imeem, picked one of the songs, copied a very long for embedding the song on a webpage, pasted it onto the footer section in the control panel, and added some suggested code from a smugmug forum so they song would only play on my homepage. The problem is that it comes out on every page, which wouldn't necessarily be a problem but whenever I click to get a new gallery the song restarts and is very annoying. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. I would love music on my site and know that most lifestyle photographers who focus primarily on children have music on their sites.
Marisa Cigarroa Heymach
Marisa Cigarroa Heymach
Add a div to your CSS for your music, something like: Then surround your music code (and I think placing it in your footer should be OK) with div tags, like this: If that doesn't work, please add a link to your site to your signature (or to your post, but signature is preferred since it will always be there). I'm sure someone will step in to help at that point. It won't be me though because I can't stand music on web sites and I won't corrupt my web viewing experience with someone else's choice of music. If I open a web page that starts playing music my immediate reaction is to close it.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at