googled & cant find the diff between LCD & TFT ?

Can any one enlighten me please ?
Also are many of you happy using these thin screens to process in PhotoShop ? IE is their colour etc up to a CRT ?
Also are many of you happy using these thin screens to process in PhotoShop ? IE is their colour etc up to a CRT ?
I just hope its not my monitor here that has led me to set my colours badly. But this monitor (CRT) has never failed me & from the way people dicuss individual shots in here...its just fine.
I can buy a nice 19" (CRT) Mitsubishi for about $250 yank equiv so that might do me. Just have to move the desk out further from the wall as i currently have a 17".
My smugmug stuff
You can get a calibrator relatively inexpensively. I've not done it, and I'm sure that there are many who know more, but I think Spyder's a good one...
Having said that, you can also calibrate your monitor with software and end up with something pretty decent. Either way you end up having to worry about ambient light and other issues...
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If i had an open cheque book then every thing i own would be apple...i just love their stuff.
My smugmug stuff
Just wait for Andy to sell off his Apple stuff.
Dgrin FAQ | Me | Workshops
Bet his missus is always waiting for him to come home with a current copy of 'photographic models illistrated' to choose a new model from
Have you had any printed out? Most new stuff looks better than what I have.......... Not saying you wouldn't enjoy a bigger monitor, perfectly calibrated, but I would have thought Andy would have been breathing "helpful" advice at you, if things were terribly off.
Just surprised a bit that there was such a difference. Makes me a bit suspicious. Of course, maybe I thought the colors were true, and they were not, but the lines around things.......someone might have noticed. Why don't you post some of the stuff here, just to give us something to do.
Other people noticed that Dell's widescreen LCD (can't remember which size) uses basically the same LCD panel as Apple yet costs hundreds less. So some Mac users have these Dell LCDs hooked up.
Not trying to slam Apple...I love my PowerBook! (but must plug it into my CRT for decent color...laptop LCDs are not the same quality as desktop LCDs or CRTs)
Eizo makes Apple monitors look cheap, here is what you can get with an open checkbook.
I have a Powerbook and hook my 19" Lacie CRT into it for color correction. I get dual monitors and can take the PB with me on the road, don't want to take the CRT though. When oh, when will Apple release a G5 or much faster Powerbook.
Both monitors have fast refresh rates and offer great color inaddition to running up to 1600x1200 res. Compared to my work monitor, a 17" Dell CRT with Sony Trinatron tube, the LCD shows a greater amount of color. For example I can see more details in the shadows and the sky that appears white on the CRT really has clouds that come out on the LCD. This could also be from my monitor not set correctly but have seen the same problems on other CRT's as well.
Here's a couple of links to read.
Looks like im moving now to a smaller place so i am seriously looking at a laptop (PC) on wireless.
I am looking at about 1.7 gig with 1 gig of ram so i know its will have the power but this colour correction thing you mentioned has me worried.
Could you operate PS & correct your photos on the laptop without refering to the CRT monitor ?
It can always be done by the numbers.
Just color correcting visually will probably be ok. I just find it easier with a CRT.
Time to get that Mac you've always wanted, Gus.
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To a point. For example, any neutral area should read out close to 0, 0, 0 in RGB, and you can use clipping previews to watch where the highlights and shadows are. By this method you could get the basics down on a black and white monitor!
But for critical fine tuning, if I want the print to match, I have to plug into the CRT which must warm up half an hour for good, stabilized color display. I just can't take it all the way on the laptop screen, especially in the shadows. And both screens are hardware-calibrated, in case anyone asks.
looks like im still in the land of CRT.
i went through this a few months back and ended up with an LG flatron crt.
the colour and resolution is still better than tft/lcd and much,much cheaper,at least in Melbourne.its a flat screen too.
the money you "save" by buying a crt over tft/lcd can then be put away for your next L lens
by the way tft stands for thin film transistor.
Longitude: 145° 08'East
Canon 20d,EFS-60mm Macro,Canon 85mm/1.8. Pentax Spotmatic SP,Pentax Super Takumars 50/1.4 &135/3.5,Pentax Super-Multi-Coated Takumars 200/4 ,300/4,400/5.6,Sigma 600/8.
Toms Hardware - LCD Technology It's in the middle of an article comparing Plasma and LCD for television, but it is really nice and detailed.
I live in a smallish inner city flat & am moving to a smaller one so i was hoping for a laptop or LCD but as you mention...i dont think they can compare with CRT. I was hoping to have a laptop with wireless.
Which model & size CRT LG ?
Hard to believe that LG has performed so well & virtually dominated the electronic/white goods market so quickly here in 0z.