Customer Service?

I'm filling out the nitty gritty of my business plan(s) and wanted to see what else folks are doing so we can muse and share some ideas here.
Customer Service makes a HUGE difference to many people. I know that's one of the stronger reasons that brings/keeps folks with SmugMug and much might be the same with repeat customers to your own business.
Having said that, I've only been 'in business' for a year, so repeat customers are limited so far to me.
So, what do YOU do for 'customer service' and how much do you think (obviously guestimates here) that affects repeat customers???
so far things I can outline involve:
in person event sales, professional and friendly -- definitely approachable and agreeable, courtesy to the clinician/judge
email to customer at the time of the receipt of the order
a second email when the image is done proofing and sent to the printers
Customer Service makes a HUGE difference to many people. I know that's one of the stronger reasons that brings/keeps folks with SmugMug and much might be the same with repeat customers to your own business.
Having said that, I've only been 'in business' for a year, so repeat customers are limited so far to me.
So, what do YOU do for 'customer service' and how much do you think (obviously guestimates here) that affects repeat customers???
so far things I can outline involve:
in person event sales, professional and friendly -- definitely approachable and agreeable, courtesy to the clinician/judge
email to customer at the time of the receipt of the order
a second email when the image is done proofing and sent to the printers
We do several things along these lines, but I can't give away all our secrets.
My Site
And if they have bought from you, then they look the fool.
-Fleetwood Mac
do some of you even CONSIDER customer service in your efforts? see it as an important part of your business? If not, I'd love to hear why not. Or so, why it is.
Simple in concept, harder to make into reality.
My Site
So true. Like Matt, here in downtown Smiths Creek, NB, Canada, there is a surprising amount of competition. I've only focused (bad pun, but intended) on my photo business in the last year - although it's always been there. This is going to be MY year to make it happen and, like Matt, the goal will be to listen to my clients and over-deliver on their managed (by me) expectations.
In my case my competition isn't all price - they're very good photographers who provide good experiences to their customers and good quality results as well. So really - the customers are fortunate to be able to choose from among several good options. In terms of price I think we're all in a similar ball park, with, perhaps, one exception.
Picadilly, NB, Canada
I always do my best to involve the client in the idea. Most people have an idea in their head as to what they want. Some clients are harder to pull it out than others, but everyone has something to contribute.
Absolutely exceed their expectations. Keep in mind that as a photographer, you are a retail and service provider. On the retail end, thank you's and listening go a very long ways. Always keep them engaged. When the client believes that you are listening, they respond.
On the service end, look at Smugmug. Responses are very fast, matter of fact, and no matter who was at fault, they are offering a solution. They listen for new and better ideas, and bring ideas to the table.
Think back to the better customer service experiences that you have had out in the world. Emulate the best of them, and then think about the bad ones and how it affected your opinion.
At my favorite restaurant, the owner and staff treat everyone like family. The service is often a tad slow because the place is packed all the time, yet you rarely notice the time go by. The wait staff are coming by to refill your drinks long before they are empty, they engage you in conversation and make you believe that they are listening.
While their food is above average, the service is what keeps many people going back over and over.
So I am not a photographer, I am on the receiving end of a few photographer's services at work. It sounds odd, but something that none has done was after delivery contact me again to see if I had any questions or needed anything else. Seems small, but not a single one has contacted me after the delivery of images.
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Excellent point, especially considering the print guarantees with SM -- if they ARE unhappy, I certainly want to know!
yet, see, I WORK in customer service for a living. email and chat but I know how much folks often appreciate those phone calls, especially if something isn't quite right.
More important, there are folks who firmly believe that 'doing business' is about quibbling about price on the front-end, then demanding the Moon on the back-end. I service them once, then quickly move the other way. That leaves more time to provide excellent service to my preferred clients.
So, is it possible those photographers simply choose not to work with you any more?
HELLO!!!! If that's not THE BEST 'wrap', I don't know what is. Thank you so much for that WONDERFUL line.
May it bring both of us LOTS of new business!'
As You Like It Productions
Equine photography in the northeast
Chatham, NY
"So I am not a photographer, I am on the receiving end of a few photographer's services at work. It sounds odd, but something that none has done was after delivery contact me again to see if I had any questions or needed anything else. Seems small, but not a single one has contacted me after the delivery of images."
and xris, "So, is it possible those photographers simply choose not to work with you any more?" - of course, that's one possibility. But I bet the far more likely one is that we tend to process the order and move on to the next; finish one event and move on to the next.
I am going to make an effort this year to follow up - and ask 'what else can we do for you?'
As You Like It Productions
Equine photography in the northeast
Chatham, NY