Rating photos ala star system?
I want to allow my friends & family to see photos based on rating. I'm doing that now by using keywords. In Aperture, I tag all my 3-star photos with the keyword "three", four-star photos with "four", etc. Then I can build dynamic libraries: my absolute favorite photos of my nephew are with keywords "Eli" and "Five".
What I'm now trying to do is put a little intelligence on those words. So if someone searches for "four", they'll see all "four" and "five" photos.
I know this is possible. One way to do it is, in Aperture, make "five" a subset of "four" which is a subset of "three". That way, all "five" photos are also four. Then when you search for four, you'll see all fives too.
Is there a better solution? Two solutions I can think of, though I don't know if they exist or not:
1. Add an "or" statement to keyword searches
When searching for keywords on Smugmug, the URL changes to link/keyword/eli-five (to search for all Eli and Five). Is there a way to search for link/keyword/eli-(four|five) or something like that?
2. Special keywords
Either keywords like 1, 2, 3, that the system recognizes, or a keyword like *, **, and when you search for ****, it matches all ***** photos too because there are technically 4 stars in the 5 star keyword?
I want to allow my friends & family to see photos based on rating. I'm doing that now by using keywords. In Aperture, I tag all my 3-star photos with the keyword "three", four-star photos with "four", etc. Then I can build dynamic libraries: my absolute favorite photos of my nephew are with keywords "Eli" and "Five".
What I'm now trying to do is put a little intelligence on those words. So if someone searches for "four", they'll see all "four" and "five" photos.
I know this is possible. One way to do it is, in Aperture, make "five" a subset of "four" which is a subset of "three". That way, all "five" photos are also four. Then when you search for four, you'll see all fives too.
Is there a better solution? Two solutions I can think of, though I don't know if they exist or not:
1. Add an "or" statement to keyword searches
When searching for keywords on Smugmug, the URL changes to link/keyword/eli-five (to search for all Eli and Five). Is there a way to search for link/keyword/eli-(four|five) or something like that?
2. Special keywords
Either keywords like 1, 2, 3, that the system recognizes, or a keyword like *, **, and when you search for ****, it matches all ***** photos too because there are technically 4 stars in the 5 star keyword?
I don't think 'or' is possible with search on SmugMug. The keyword search does not support any operators in the search field as far as I know. If you enter multiple words, we'll simply show the keywords that match these words.
Clicking on one keyword, brings you to the photos that have this keyword. From there, you might be shown suggestions on refining your search by combining with other keywords or choosing different related keywords.
Here's a sample link.
and here I combined it with another keyword.
Asterisks are not supported in keywords. You could maybe use "1 star" and "4 star" etc. (with the quotes) and rank your photos like that. Then searching for star might bring up all photos that are tagged with any star. I haven't tried that, though.
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